• Hello… Regarding the last two mini updates, 3.8.6 and 3.8.7. The site had the following issues immediately after the 3.8.6 update.

    I can’t update to 4.2 yet, it doesn’t play nice with our older Thesis based theme, I am developing a new one. Not Thesis.


    In admin:
    When adding media to a new post, the media browser shows library is empty.
    Couldn’t access media library, returned 404 error.
    Couldn’t upgrade a plug-in, returned 404 error.
    Thesis menu control access has disappeared in admin menu.

    Determined that requests were not able to access upgrade.php or upload.php, checked database, checked permissions, finally checked actual files on server and found that the file names had been changed to upgradez.php and uploadz.php. I changed them back, removed the “z”. Have no idea how that happens?

    Now media library can be accessed through admin, and plug-ins can be upgraded.

    However, I cannot figure out why the media library is still empty when trying to access it through a post. When I upload an image via a post, I get an error in the media library browser, but the image does upload and I can access it through admin > media > library. It doesn’t add to the post.

    All previous posts are showing images correctly.

    Any help would be appreciated, reinstalling wordpress and the older thesis framework is next on my list… but I can’t access thesis in admin now, therefore can’t save the custom inputs. So this will be a pain. I do have all my other custom files of course, just not those created thru admin.

    Thank you.

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  • I encountered the same issue with a recently-updated WordPress site. I haven’t determined the cause, but I did fix the problem with the media library. The file at /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php was missing. I replaced it with a copy from another site on the same WP version, and the media library seems to be fully-functional again.

    Hope this helps either you or another of our fellow victims. ??

    Hi there, I’ve noticed a similar thing on a site recently. As above, admin-ajax.php was missing, and update and uploads renamed to updatez.php and uploadz.php.

    In the content folder, there was also an upload (not uploads) and an img directory. Within this were some php files – 111.php and 222.php and a whole bunch of html files.

    In the main site header.php, there was some garbage referring to a bunch of sites, mainly Italian domain names. You’ll spot it.

    Critically, you need to check the .htaccess in root and wp-content. Nasties in both, including a request to turn of mod_security. In root there was also a php.ini with a request to turn off safe mode.

    I killed all of the above and the site was running fine again. To prevent hacks, suggest running the Sucuri plugin, checking for other malware with it, and using the hardening feature if you’re unfamiliar with .htaccess configurations. Harden the uploads, includes and content folders. Goes a long way…

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