Thank you for an interesting question; I hope I understand what you mean.
MLA provides many tools to work with existing items in the Media library and information about those items. If you are using WPML or Polylang to manage a multi-language site, MLA provides some support for creating “translations” of an item in two or more languages. The translations shale a common attached file but have separate database entries with the item’s Title, Caption, Description and so forth.
The current MLA version does not contain any other functions for creating two or more Media Library items that share one attached file. to “clone a media” item you would have to download the file and then upload it again as a new Media Library item. In that case, each item would have a separate copy of the attached file.
I hope that answers your question, but if I have not understood you any additional details you can provide would be very helpful. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any other questions or additional details about your application. Thank you for your interest in the plugin.