• Hi,

    I have using wordpress to create a simple blog containing just pictures and text. I am not using any coding whatsoever.

    The last 4 times when I have tried to publish a post the upload bar has got all the way to the end but then the following message appears
    “Media error.
    An error occurred while uploading media: write error: ssl=0xad364400: I/O er…”
    Then string of characters after the = sign varies, another time it was “0x91511200”.

    I have tried reinstalling the app and I have also these occurrences posted 6 similar posts successfully.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Please bare in mind I have limited knowledge of wordpress.

    Thank you.

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  • Can you confirm if the ‘wp-content’ has permission of 777 or 755. You can check this by using FTP Client like Filezilla.

    Thread Starter James.Charlotte.norris


    Can you go into a little more detail as I’m unsure by FTP Client.

    Also, I am only using wordpress on an android tablet.


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