Hello @vikasgunjeti, and thanks for contacting us.
There are no additional settings you need to use to enable Media syncing. It should work automatically. This usually indicates a conflict of some kind. You mention that the assets are “broken” — how are they broken? Are the Media files missing (you don’t see them in the Media Library section of the WordPress admin on the Target), or do they have the wrong domain name? This can sometimes happen when using a plugin to hide the WordPress login, or with some themes like Bedrock that change the URL where images are located.
We’d like to ask that you submit a support ticket here: https://serverpress.com/contact/ and include some log files so that we can determine what the cause of this is. To generate log files, you can follow the instructions here: https://wpsitesync.com/knowledgebase/enabling-debugginglogging-wpsitesync/
Once we have logs we can determine what the problem is. We do have an upcoming release that improves the synchronization of Media files and this may help you.
Thank you for your interest in WPSiteSync.
All the best,
The ServerPress Team