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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for the good words and for your question. I want to make sure I understand what you’re looking for.

    When you say “search to find a certain file“, it sounds like you are asking about the Media/Assistant submenu in the administrator screens – is that right? If so, there are a few ways you can find the files you’re looking for.

    First, under the Media heading in the menu column at the left of the Admin screens you will see entries for “Att. Category” and “Att. Tag”. If you click on one of them you will see a submenu that lists all the terms you have created. In the “Attachments” column of those screens you can click on the number for any term to see the attachments (files) associated with that term.

    Second, on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab you will find the Taxonomy Support section. If you click the “List Filter” radio button next to the Att. Categories or Att. Tags entry you can use those terms to filter the Media/Assistant submenu table listing. On the table listing, above the column headers in the center of the screen you will see a drop down box for the taxonomy you have selected. Pick a term and click the “Filter” button to get a listing of the attachments associated with a term. This dropdown box is also available on the Media Manager Modal window that comes up for the “Insert Media” function on posts and pages.

    Finally, you can click on any term in the “Att. Categories” or “Att. Tags” columns of the table listing to filter the display on that term. If you don’t see those columns, pull down the “Screen Options” list in the upper-right corner of the screen and check the box next to the column you want to display.

    The Search Media box in the upper-right corner of the table display searches for text values in the name, ALT text, caption and description fields of the attachment. It does not look for any matches with the taxonomy terms you’ve associated with the attachments.

    I hope that gives you what you need. If you are asking about the [mla_gallery] shortcode, that’s a different story.

    Let me know if I’ve answered your question or if I’ve missed your point and you need more help.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I hope the suggestions I gave in my earlier post gave you what you needed. Since you haven’t posted any further questions, I am going to mark this issue resolved. Please feel free to re-open it if you have any problems or questions. Thanks again for your interest in the plugin.

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