• I truly despise the search feature on these forums. It’s almost as if it’s using Yahoo or something to search and intentionally provide very little useful search returns. It’s why I don’t use Yahoo as a search engine either. Go figure. :/

    Actual Question: After a disastrous dance with NextGen Gallery (I’ll never touch that monstrosity again), my image thumbnails are missing as well as some of the images themselves. Rather than mess with it further, I just want to reset the whole media library and start over from scratch. Is there a way to do that? I’m aware that I’m going to lose all my images in my posts. Sad.

    Side Rant: I wish there was just a better media library solution than provided. It’s just not useful to have a flat file system (with or without tags) when so many people upload batches usually in connection with each other or upload icons variously and want them listed together without having to search for them constantly. Given the various plugins, I just don’t know how difficult it would be to merely provide a gallery or segregated folder-style media library in order to sort images into something constructive. I like the media library itself just fine and it really is much more convenient that struggling through all these other plugins. It just doesn’t go far enough to be actually efficient. My 3 cents worth of opinion.

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  • Anonymous User 96400


    Hmm, I think NextGen Gallery is the best thing since sliced bread, but apparently it’s not for everyone. As for your question, I don’t think there’s a way of moving all your images from NextGen Gallery over to the WP default media library (if that’s what you mean by reset). As far as I know you can batch upload images though, so doing it by hand shouldn’t take that long. You still won’t have any images in your posts, though…

    Thread Starter eremiticlife


    I’m just looking for a way to wipe it all out. Deleting the file structure doesn’t resolve the database issues. The images are gone yet still show up in the media library (minus thumbnails). I’m just not confident enough to go in and start deleting database entries (without better direction, at least).

    Thread Starter eremiticlife


    Insofar as NextGen: It’s probably the best designed plugin out there without a doubt. But when it hoses your images because you want to uninstall it, I don’t think that’s very well thought out. (Though, for the record, it does actually rock over the WPG2 plugin which sucks hard.)

    Also, I hadn’t even reached the point of uploading images through NextGen. It was merely “importing” (a misnomer to be sure) images from other locations of the Media Library. Another problem it has: it wants to manipulate and control the “imported” images without actually creating/moving them in its own directories. So if you delete an image thinking that you are deleting it from NextGen’s galleries, you’re actually deleting the image itself from its original location.

    This may have been clear in the fine print, but it’s not intuitive since “to import” something means, to me, that something is actually doing some kind of Point A to Point B movement with something rather than pretending and leaving it right where it was to begin with. Yes, it would have made a size bloat for a bit, but until I could make a decision on the functionality of NextGen, I didn’t want to get rid of my original files or their structure. “Importing” the files into NextGen seemed (on the surface) to be bulletproof and a great way to examine the plugin itself.

    I was wrong.

    (And before anyone says it: yeah, it was stupid of me to play with this on a production site. Beat me up later behind the playground.)

    Anonymous User 96400


    you know that there is a menu point called setup, where you can completely uninstall nextgen gallery? this will probably delete all your images, but just upload them again from your backup on your local disk (if you have that..?) you might be able to move them before you uninstall everything.

    see you 3 pm behind the playground…

    Same problem here…

    I can upload the files, insert them in the posts and all… BUT if I want to see the photo on the blog I have to manually upload it to the /wp-content/uploads folder (I use FileZilla) because the files do not appear to be in the folder (or anywhere else) after I uploaded them from the WP Dashboard Media Gallery thing.
    And I can never see the Thumbnails on the Media Gallery either…

    I only have Askimet and WP-Stats as Plug-ins. I doubt any of those can be the problem. As I’ve always had them and this thumbnails/photos problem only showed up with the latest WP package upgrade.

    For now, I’m still using the FileZilla/external FTP upload trick… But I hope it get fixed because it’s kind of boring…

    woooops, sorry, wrong thread ??

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