Hi, thanks for your replies. I don’t actually host the site on a server in my office, but I do manage the hosting from my account with a web host company. So I do have access to the server files via FTP. This site is one that I took over from the company I used to work for, and I did not actually build it. When I worked there, I was told that we didn’t update the WP versions or plugins because the developers may have done some customizations along the way.
This site is extremely out of date and at the same time that the uploader stopped working, we were also unable to post blogs anymore, getting an error message that we didn’t have permissions to edit those pages. (that’s an entirely different problem that has nothing to do with this thread, I understand that).
So the process started of updating everything. I’m hesitant to completely update the site in the WP backend, so I’ve started “rebuilding” the site on a different server so that we will in the end have a brand new site with the same look/content.
However, the existing site is still being used and the client wants to be able to change images/content while I finish the new site. Since this function is not working now, I started searching to see if I could find an interim solution. So it appears that what I’m doing is the solution that you both are suggesting. I’m not finished with that, so I don’t know if that will resolve the issues.
Long answer to your short question, and probably way too much information, but I do appreciate both of you replying to my post and reading my reply.
I’ll try to remember to post here when I’ve completed the upgrade to let y’all know if it has worked for me.
Thanks again, hope you have a great week!