Media Library ISsues
We have a client that has a WP 4.0 site, using the SLowave theme. For some reason their employees (in montana and oregon) are unable to view the media library and screen options from within the Dashboard. It displays a blank screen.
I have had no issues, Bluehost has had no issues and the Slowave developers have had no issues. We have deactivated plugins and it does not do any good. We have also updated everything, still nothing.
Here is an error log found:
I don’t know if this is any help:
Below is the error log for the Media Library request I copied pasted for you.Timestamp: 9/18/2014 2:43:23 PM
Error: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Source File:,common,imgareaselect,image-edit,set-post-thumbnail,media-gallery,underscore,shortcode,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,m&load%5B%5D=edia-models,wp-plupload,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-vi&load%5B%5D=ews,media-editor,media-audiovideo,wp-playlist,mce-view,thickbox&ver=4.0
Line: 49, Column: 409
Source Code:
eElementNS(“http:a.supportsMediaTag=typeof e.canPlayType!==”undefined”||a.isBustedAndroid;try{e.canPlayType(“video/mp4”)
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