• So I exported/imported images from one site to another (don’t even want to get into the headache that has been causing!!)

    The latest issue is that it appears that all of my images have copied over properly (other than none of them are attached to their pages/posts.. but I’ll deal with that later) but for some reason the media gallery is showing the images as 1px by 1px.. these values are hardcoded into the image tag itself.


    <span class="media-icon image-icon"><img width="1" height="1" alt="" class="attachment-60x60" src="https://www.example.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/oct-2010-0161.jpg"></span>

    The image exists, and so does the thumbnail, it’s just not displaying properly in the Media.

    Also, it looks like the old/current site is trying to use the 150×150 version of the image instead of the full size one the dev site is trying to use? no idea what’s up with that

    I deactivated the theme and all plugins but nothing fixed it.

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  • Look at the code on the page that displays the gallery. So if there are any hard coded values for the image size. Maybe its a setting in the theme or plugin that would be an easy fix.


    Are you using “Original Image Handler” Plugin if yes then try to deactivate it, if it did not work then try and change your theme to default one, may be it will help you.

    Anonymous User 14023467


    I’m actually having the same issue. @angelinazooma — were you ever able to fix your issue?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Anonymous User 14023467.
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