• Resolved BreeziiKat



    The media library is not loading in the icon view, yet clicking to view the library as a list shows the files.

    I don’t get it.

    Also, when trying to upload a new image to a post either by clicking on the ‘Add Media’ tab or by setting the featured image, the media library doesn’t load. The grey circle loading’ icons just keeps spinning and spinning.

    If I try to upload a new image into the post, again by either way – it doesn’t work, and instead just shows an error afterward.

    I contacted my hosting support to see if they could help me and they tried everything possible (restoring to previous versions, changing to the default theme, deactivating all plugins, and reverting core files) none of this worked, they told me to get ahold of wordpress support so here I am. ??

    Anyone else have this issue, is this something wordpress is aware of, or is there any fix I could try?


    P.S. If it helps any, I am using the Genesis Child sample theme for my site, as well as google chrome browser.

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  • kartikshah


    i have same problem . i have tried that plugin disable and new version of wordpress but it’s still not working.



    @phidippides i have tried the following things still my issue not solved kindly help bro, it’s been 20 days since this problem arose, losing business.

    1. Disabling Plugins
    2. Disabling Theme (was using sahifa theme)
    3. Tried the default twenty sixteen theme
    4. Re-install the WordPress via dashboard> update
    5. Replaced the core files of WordPress using FTP.

    Tried these steps stated by @martinjacobson
    ” 1. Copied all WordPress files except for the wp-content folder to a backup
    2. Deleted all files except for wp-content folder (and contents of wp-content). Also left the config file (wp-config.php) on the root level, important.
    3. Uploaded a clean copy of WordPress 4.4
    4. Logged in to wp-admin and ran updates”
    Thread Link: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/media-library-wont-load-display-images/page/3/#post-8354403

    This also didn’t helped me. Don’t know what to do. HELP ME GUYS PLEASE!!!!!!



    It might be a problem with your permissions, or with your web host. Have you tried contacting your web host to see if they can help? They may be able to see if your permissions need addressing.



    @phidippides they are also unable to solve it and have given up on me. Don’t know what to do.



    This may not be what is causing issues for other folks, but I was having the very same problem, and really didn’t want to revert back to the last day my media file stopped working right (I’d made a bunch of changes in the most recent 24 hours). So, I went back through the things I had changed that may have caused the issue, and I found something that seemed really benign at the time.

    Siteground had recommended that I use their crone jobs feature, and it required adding a string of code to the wp-config.php file just prior to the last ?>

    But my file didn’t have a ?> so I added the code, and then added a ?> assuming mine had been missing.

    Then, I went ahead and did a bunch of other admin tasks and everything seemed to be functioning fine. Customers were able to checkout with their purchases – things seemed normal, until I began writing a blog post and realized I couldn’t add images.

    And then, that I couldn’t search for a specific user.

    It took forever to get back to those 2 characters, but everything is working fine (and fast) again. So I thought I’d write a quick note here, in case someone else stumbles on this thread, like I did – and my dumb mistake might trigger a memory for them too.

    I just had this problem with media library not loading and was able to fix it. What caused it for me was I had added some code to my functions.php file telling wordpress not to load jquery migrate. Removing that code fixed it for me.

    I’m having the same issue. Are you able to tell me how to recover the media loading problem of my website.

    Did you reinstall WordPress?

    No how to reinstall the wordpress . When I change the theme the Media is loaded Perfectly.But i am change the theme to our theme that is not working.

    You may want to contact the theme author for help. That would probably be the most direct approach to solving the problem.

    PLEASE NOTE: I have not tested this, but I found this for the 3.9 media library not working and apparently it involves the WP_Image_Editor default to GD. Add this snippet of code your functions php file:

    function ms_image_editor_default_to_gd( $editors ) {
    $gd_editor = ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’;

    $editors = array_diff( $editors, array( $gd_editor ) );
    array_unshift( $editors, $gd_editor );

    return $editors;
    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘ms_image_editor_default_to_gd’ );

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by asfakmd.

    Here was my solution – Hope this works for you!!

    Sometimes I like to think that there are gremlins in the machines!!

    Like everyone else in this thread, I’ve had the same problem with the library … but in an instance like this, many may be happy to know what the simple solution for me was! (and hopefully you too!!!) … so I took the advice of others in this thread and called my host company (thankfully they offer 24/7 phone support). The rep checked the log file which logged some “insufficient memory” and he increased my minimum/maximum memory through PHP.ini. For future reference, I asked him how would I do this and this is the way:

    1) Go to your cPanel

    2) Look for an item named something like “CGI and Scripted Language Support” and click it. When the page loads, you should see a list of several items, mostly different types of scripting, maybe mySQL database … and your Error Logs file should be listed there too!

    3) Click on something like “PHP Scripting” option. When the page loads, there should be a text area that is titled something like “Edit your php.ini file for PHP 5.3

    4) Do a page “find” in your browser (Ctrl+F) for keyword “memory” and it will jump down to the lines in the PHP.ini file where “memory” is mentioned. It should look something like this:

    ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
    ; https://php.net/memory-limit 
    memory_limit = 256M

    The rep increased the minimum to 128MB (from 64MB) and the max to 256M. Change the amounts and click the [Save] button!

    Whalla!! Your image library should be working as normal now!!!

    PS: This memory solution also solved another problem for me with updating WordPress plugins (through the WordPress plugins page). I would get a “500 Error/install failure” 100% of the time and would always have to update/install plugins manually through FTP. After the increased memory, that’s a problem of the past!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jmgraffix.

    In some cases this trouble can be caused by the “extra space” bug. There is even a tool to fight the bug. The tool is not perfect and sometimes may not help you. If your site is not just a landing and includes lots of code, debugging may be a bad option. Therefore you may want to just filter this extra space out. It is possible with buffer.php. Hope this will help.

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