• Resolved bvo


    Hi all,

    My media library isn’t working the way it should. I cann’t upload new images. It gives an error message and syas try again. Also, I can’t see any images in the library, when the library is set to all dates. When I select a specific month, it does show the images. However, when I want to use one of those images as a featured image, I can select it, save the post but it doesn’t work.

    I deactivated all pluging, and tried using 2017 default theme, but that didn’t help. The images are in the uploads folder, the folder and images permissions looks good. So, I don’t know what to do…

    I already mentionted this problem in reply to this post but was suggested to start a new topic.

    I need som help on this ??

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  • its may be for functions.php file in current theme…

    Thread Starter bvo


    Onewpir, thanks for your reply,
    I have the same issue when I use the default twenty seventeen theme. Is something wrong with the functions.php from this theme, or do you have a suggestion what part of the functions.php I have to look at?


    Thread Starter bvo


    I made a database back-up, uninstalled wordpress and deleted the database. Then started form zero. New installation, updated to latest version (4.7), default theme (twenty seventeen), imported the back-up.
    All folder and file permissions are correct. But still no working media library. Actually it’s worse: I have all images in the uploads folder, but nu images in the library; not even when I select a specific month (which worked before new installation). Uploading fails (though the image is copied to the uploads folder).
    I think something is wrong in WP4.7 but I have no idea where to start…

    I have a similar issue, and I tend to think it started when I installed WP 4.7 as well.

    Thread Starter bvo


    Everything is working now, except I still see the grey squares where thumbnails should be.
    The other issues I solved by turning auto_increment on in the wp_table in the database. For some reason it was off by updating to WP4.7.

    So still need some help with the thumbnails ??

    Thread Starter bvo


    I found out that linking to images in posts give a 404.
    When I tried regenerate thumbnails it says it can’t find the original location of the images. That makes sence if the images folder is nog found.
    I found out that when I put “wordpress” in between the site url and the image folder loction, the link in posts work.
    So, settings, htaccess or whatever is wrong. Linking to posts work though (without “wordpress” in the address).

    This al started after upgrading tot 4.7. As I said before I tried reinstalling (manually), diabling thumbnails etc.

    Thread Starter bvo


    Media library issue resolved. Once again I made a fresh install. I imported the posts etc via wordpress importer (after I exported them, duh). I think that in the previous fresh install I imported whatever went wrong, with the importing of sql backup.

    The only thing that isn’t working I like, is that images that I link to from a post, can’t be found because they need a path siteurl/wordpress/imagemap, and all other links are without the “worpdress” and also it used to work that way.
    But that’s a different issue.

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