• Hi,

    First off, I want to say that I understand why the new ajax media library feature was added, as it can help to cut down on the load time when a media library is very large.

    However, I now find that I need to click the ‘load more’ button multiple times to scroll down to where I need to in the media library, and often what I am looking for is buried deep within the media library. I would really like a feature that can automatically scroll to the bottom of the media library, essentially revealing the entire media library, so we don’t need to click the ‘load more’ button a dozen or so times before we find what we are looking for.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If you have that many items, you’re better off using the filter and search capability to narrow down possible items.

    Or you could switch to the list view, then toggle the date column order to get earliest items listed first. You can increase the items listed per page up to 99 in the screen options.

    Thread Starter AlGala


    Hi @bcworkz

    I realize I can do all of that, but I would still like to request this as a new feature. There are times when I do not know the file names of what I am looking for, I just know what I am looking for by the thumbnail.

    So, once again, I would like to request this as a new feature to an upcoming WordPress version.

    Thank you.

    Moderator bcworkz


    OK, I suggest you then create Trac ticket making an enhancement request. Then anyone can follow the progress as your request is evaluated. Please ensure there is not already such a request in the system by making a reasonable effort at searching before making a new ticket.

    Thread Starter AlGala


    Thank you for the suggestion.

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