Thanks for your questions and for taking the time to look through the Support Forum for earlier answers.
Yes, I believe that the “tag cloud links/menu” in the Radnor House Surgery site was generated by the [mla_tag_cloud]
shortcode. This related topic may have the shortcode text:
No Alphabeticcal Pagination Option
It looks like the Radnor House developer defined explicit tag values such as “A-D” and manually assigned them to the items that have Titles starting with the corresponding letters. That’s fine, but may be tedious or error-prone in other, more dynamic applications.
The “MLA Gallery Examples” section in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab gives examples of the tag cloud and other other application features: pagination and a search box. The Category list can be displayed using the [mla_tag_cloud] shortcode, as in the “Tag Cloud and Gallery” example. You can use a custom template to alter the cloud display if you need to.
You might also be interested in the alternative approach developed for this earlier topic:
Alphabetical pagination
The mla-a-z-cloud-example.php.txt
example plugin can be found in the /plugins/media-library-assistant/examples/
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.