• Resolved EzySetup


    I’m in the process of restoring my site after being hacked. I used the WP export tool to output an xml file mapping all my media (as well as pages and posts). I’ve restored all my files to the same locations and directories. However, when I use the WP import tool it does not import my media (pages and posts imported just fine). Since my images are in the proper location, my site looks fine to visitors. But when I want to use an image in my media library, such as the site header image, it doesn’t appear in my media library for me to select. Absolutely nothing appears in my media library.

    Below is the message I get from WP after importing. I’d appreciate any help in getting my media library fixed. There are over 400 images.

    Thanks in advance,

    Import WordPress
    Failed to import Media “cropped-forest01.jpg”
    Failed to import Media “Aperture Sights”
    Failed to import Media “Fishing, Shooting, Hunting, and Reloading”
    Failed to import Media “Derivation of Riflescope Parallax Equation.xlsx”
    Failed to import Media “RFC_Silhouette_Scorecard”
    Failed to import Media “1 - Tgt A9x2+scorechart-edit-- print w NO Scaling”
    Failed to import Media “3 - A23 NRA 50yd Smallbore-no fill-2 bulls”
    Failed to import Media “2- Colorful A9x2”
    ...and so on.
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  • Moderator James Huff


    The export/import tool wasn’t really designed for backup purposes. It was designed for moving content from one live site to another, so I don’t think it was ever considered this would be necessary.

    If the files are in their right place, running https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/add-from-server/ should be sufficient.

    Alternatively, ask your hosting provider if they have a backup of your MySQL database (that’s where the media library’s “catalog” will be).

    Once you’re settled, I highly recommend starting your own backups: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/WordPress_Backups

    Thread Starter EzySetup


    Interesting. I would have figured that restoring a site was no different than moving from one site to another. In both situations the media has to be in the same place. What am I missing?

    I do have the SQL from the hacked site, but I don’t see how I could use it. While I did export a few individual tables (such as quotes in the QuoteRotator, which I’ve used to repopulate the site). I didn’t see a table for just the media library. I certainly don’t want to import the whole DB, as it has hacked content.

    I’ll give the plugin suggested a whirl. Thank you. I was hoping such a tool existed. I’ll post back with the results.

    Thanks again,

    PS. I do run daily backups of the DB and weekly backups of both files and the DB. But to conserve space I only keep 6 weeks. Unfortunately the hacker waited longer before utilizing the hacks and I discovered the intrusion. Therefore the only DB and file backups I have contain malicious content. Fortunately the “uploads” directory contained no malicious files. WP, plugins, etc. have all been replaced with new files.

    Thread Starter EzySetup



    I believe the plugin will work. Unfortunately, I can’t just import everything in the uploads directory in one fell swoop. I need to enter each month’s directory for the last four years and select the files in that directory, but at least it seems to be keeping the dates intact.

    I’ll update again when done.

    Thread Starter EzySetup


    Done. It worked. Thank you for the reference.

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