mediocre filter options
i checked if this plugin offers something more in terms of filtering the media files, than just the option to select one category. but no. in that regard it is as mediocre (not to say useless, but just not to say, because it in reality is useless in that regard, because i am not going to use it for that reason) as all the other free plugins and paid plugins.
yes even the costly and polished plugins on code canyon do not offer the possibility to filter by multiple criteria (multiple and- or or-connected categories, date uploaded, image width, image height, image aspect ratio, available image sizes, in what directory it is saved, …). and as the shop-administrator for a big webshop i am disillusioned now and pondereing over the question, why such an important feature is missing in ALL the plugins? i have a webshop with 1000s of media files taken over to manage. and the first thing i want to do, is not to assign categories. no … the first thing i want to do is to filter the pile, to find the stuff i want to add to a category. i have seen plugins that offer categorizing immediately after uploading. this is great thinking and very useful and a feature that is also a must. but no one assumed that the matter to categorize is already there. and that it is a i still ask why is that? the two answers are:
A. that all the plugin authors have absolutly no clue what the important usecases of their possible costomers are (maybe they dont even know what a usecase is – but that is a mean and mocky assumption). the plugin authors code away, building on the foundation of wordpress, adding new, more comfortable features, but they have no clue where to aim at, where the voyage should lead. i bet none of them, also none of the authors of the paid plugins has at least one test customer / power user. a platform that uses the authors plugin on a daily basis for various tasks, managing a lot of media files in interesting scenarios and giving the plugin author feedback, bugreports and feature requests on a regular basis. because if one of them had a test customer, the authors plugin would have abundant filter options.
and if one would have them, i assume a lot of the available plugins would have them. because the 2nd reason none of the plugins has useful filteroptions is
B. all of the plugin authors rip of each others ideas and likely each others code as well. … the plugins even look the same in the backend. and i had a look at all the avail plugins on and code canyon. the ecology is that of like 30 plugins authors, which in the first place had an idea for a feature or an idea to make money, then did (and this is a good thing) reasearch about what is available on the market, who are the competitors and what is their offer, then simply copied the features and maybe the code of the competition and if they are good, added some feature of their own, maybe the one, they had in mind in the first place … which iteratively will be added by the other plugins sooner or later, if it is not too much of an effort. all the plugin authors are competiton-oriented and not customer- or solution-oriented.
and one more thing about money and quality:
and then the plugin authors try to charge not too much for their software. why?
well … i see the plugins cost 15$ to 25$. my workday, on the other side costs my employer around 250$. if i have to manually shift through 1000s of media files and categorize them, it will take me several days. this means costs from 500$ to 1000$ and ++ to get a job done, i could do in halve a day or one day – for 125$ to 250$ – if provided with the proper tools. so from a economical point of view, my employer is willing to pay 250$ ++ for a full featured tool. and that is not a hypothetical assumption. my employer IS willing to pay that money. i confered with my employer about the topic of costs/quality vs time. and my employer is fully backing me up, up to several thousands of euros a year spending on software, that helps the enterprise getting stuff done properly. but these plugin authors, who rip each other off, have plugins, who all feater around the same thing, have no vision (if it is not about the money, then a plugin author still has to have a vision, that distincts one from others or at least makes one make good quality), have no idea about business and mostly just see the mediocre competition, have a mindset, which leaves them no other choice than to charge just 20$ for their mediocre software – instead of providing a quality plugin that fullfills every wish of a customer and charging 300$ for 1000$ saved.i searched the whole day, and i am fed up and pissed off about what i have seen. and i am posting this to the forum of every plugin i had a look at today. so that everyone knows my opionion.
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