• Resolved Dggerhart


    Circumstance: Designing the Anchor Website for insidouthope.org. This is a volunteer organization with hundreds of meetings in North America. It is a child organization of “Celebrate Recovery” with operates thousands of meetings in the same geography and worldwide. Our scope is the narrower scope: Meetings held inside Prisons.

    So we’re testing widgets. 12-Step Meeting is a great candidate for us to develop a listing function on the site.

    These 12-step meetings are faith based, a new Type would be helpful “CRI” or “Celebrate Recovery Inside.” (if the scope of your amendments included “CR” or “Celebrate Recovery” that would be awesome.

    We expect to engage volunteers across the US and Canada … our Method at InsidOutHope.org is BuddyPress. It would be great if there was an API between BuddyPress and your 12-Step Meeting list plugin that would permit us to delegate Meeting creation and Maintenance capability to forum moderators from each Region / State.

    Our site is not as yet “made” known to these communities. Like I said we’re exploring options.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,

    I wouldn’t want to add a new meeting type within AA for this, as it’s not part of the AA program, but I can add Celebrate Recovery as another program with its own set of meeting types that you can select. Just let me know what they should be.

    I’m not too familiar with BuddyPress, and this does seem like sort of an “edge case” for us, but I’ll take a closer look at it. You’ve got a number of moderators who currently have access to the WP Dashboard and can edit a subset of Posts and Pages now?

    Thread Starter Dggerhart


    Thanks for the awesome response. I appreciate it so much.

    Yes, for now I’ve used the “open” meeting type to demo a meeting listing. I need to research the ‘type’ list for a bit. I’m familiar with what we do in Oregon, but not so much in the rest of the Geography the site covers. But! It won’t be long. Perhaps as many as 12 types. “12-step” is one of those types. All of our programs use the AA steps they are simply underpinned with their scriptural basis.

    If you hit the link https://insideouthope.org/meetings and search “Oregon” you’ll be able to view a representative example that I compiled today.

    For now there are 6 in the list I can think of: “LHC” or “Life’s Healing Choices”, “12-step”, “40 Days”, “Journey Begins”, “Journey Continues”, “Purpose Driven”

    The shot across the bow regarding BuddyPress was conceptual – in that the case we’re designing for revolves around the Volunteer Community, more so than it does around the “Meeting Schedule.” Particularly that the Volunteers have to work within the confines of various Jail and Prison bureaucracies – situations and the personnel are always changing. The thought was that associating the meeting schedule function into permissions granted Moderators within BuddyPress would be least confusing. A button in a moderator profile that allows them to create/modify meetings for their “Group.”

    To be honest, I think what’s needed is a BuddyPress Ad-on plugin to add a meeting scheduler — your code ported for that would be killer.

    Anyway, from my point of view it seems to be a somewhat glaring gap in the BuddyPress ecology of features/functions.

    On the other hand it’s possible I’ve missed their version of the truth for Meeting Management.

    Very best regards,

    David G.

    Thread Starter Dggerhart


    On the question of Moderators – We have none yet. My BuddyPress notion is rooted in the aversion we have to giving CMS level access to “talent” possessing dubious WordPress skill.

    We’re closing in on a point where the organization will adopt the model and begin rolling it out to people in the field.

    If we have to take on and manage meeting list records, it will be a set-back in the sense that a solution design objective was to put most or all of the local data in the hands of local resources.

    Very best,

    Ok, it sounds like you’re going to take another look at BuddyPress to see if there’s a built-in solution there for you. I’d look and see if there is an events module. If not, it might even be that a calendar plugin like The Events Calendar is more appropriate for this use-case. 12 Step Meeting List is all about helping the public find recovery meetings, not so much about organizing volunteers.

    Thread Starter Dggerhart


    Calendars? Can’t work. There might be as many as 350 meetings on a single evening.

    It’s more about connecting people to times and places by attending a meeting inside a gate somewhere, supporting incarcerated men & women.

    I added the BBForum plugin, and this covers some more of our spec.

    12-Step meeting will work for us as is. No bother.

    Thanks for the discussion.

    No RSVP req’d/end.

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