Thank you for your response.
We have checked at our end and trying to resolve the issue.
Below is the structure
We have
- and <div> under
- I was able to remove the div under
- from “widget.manager_class.php” from my Impreza theme
Now, I want to remove the <div> under <ul class=”w-nav-list level_1 hover_simple hidden”> which is “<div id=”mega-menu-wrap-us_main_menu” but not successful to find this anywhere.
Below is the code for your reference
wp_nav_menu( array(
‘theme_location’ => $menu_location,
//’container’ => ”,
//’container_class’ => ‘w-nav-list’,
//’walker’ => new US_Walker_Nav_Menu,
//’items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’,
//’fallback_cb’ => FALSE,
) );
echo ‘
echo ‘<div class=”w-nav-options hidden”‘;
echo us_pass_data_to_js( array(
‘mobileWidth’ => intval( $mobile_width ),
‘mobileBehavior’ => intval( $mobile_behavior ),
) );
echo ‘></div>’;
echo ‘</nav>’;
Though the is closed before the div.
Could you please check this and guide me for some solution.
Many Thanks