• Let me explain what I’d like.

    I’d like a plugin/widget that means people can register on my site, and enter certain fields (email address, job title, place of work, etc). They are then added to a “directory of members” which can be viewed by all visitors.

    I’ve seen this: https://butlerblog.com/wp-members/, but it seems far too complicated for what I need.

    I simply need a member list, with certain fields.

    Is this possible?

    Many thanks.

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  • You may want it in your sidebar, but what I do on one of my hobby sites is use RunPHP to execute this code in a page to list all users:

    < ?php wp_list_authors('optioncount=1&exclude_admin=0&hide_empty=0'); ?>

    You can read more on this tag and its usage here.

    Thread Starter mpgeorge


    Thanks for this.

    That would, if I’m reading it right, only list site authors? Ideally I’d like to list everyone who registers on the site, whether they post or not.

    Looks like I may have to just add people’s profiles manually, and separately…

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