• I am building a site that will have both free content and paid membership/subscription content. I was considering using WordPress to control all of the content, and have a specific category template for the members area. My thinking is that I can add some special code to the template page that will check a second “paid members” database to make sure that only paid members could access the special features. Does this sound possible, or are there limitaions due to the way WordPress handles its content?

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  • reckon you can easaly do that the easiest way of doing this is by adding users and giving the paying members a exceptable user-level (4 – 5) and make the pages in that content level 5 or up… That way you won’t have to do a lot of work (not sure that it will work though, but IMO i should work…

    You mean you can actually set the minimun level for the individual pages?

    I cant find that option =/ kindly enlighten me?

    If you’re familiar with PHP, try using $user_level (ex. if (4 >= $userlevel)) in an if else statement.

    What you need to do first is get the enviremont variables from the user
    so declare:
    get_currentuserinfo() ;
    some where this will create the following variables:
    (You might need to GLOBAL them first !! not sure)

    You can use these, this ONLY work for registered users ??

    I used $user_level in a little mini-post script I wrote to go on the front page of my website that only shows if an admin ($user_level == 10) is logged in. Didn’t have to global declare it.

    I love WordPress 1.5 and the community. It’s really amazing. I will be helping a company develop a site with regisered users and a paid/free content section. It seems like WordPress is great for blogs but am leaning to using Drupal 4.6 especially with its commerce API (PayPal framework, etc.)

    Have you looked into Drupal as a CMS for this? 4.6 was just released a few days ago and some WP themes are being ported. Plus and minuses to both but that is how I am looking at it now.

    WP for Blog
    Drupal for CMS

    Would be great to have a merged Drupal + WP

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