• Resolved penuel00


    Hello , so im setting up lifer lms for an internal elearning system, i have set the courses and all of that bit seems to be okay, but when i go to members page(pagei set us students page) nothing shows.
    from what i read im expecting that if im not logged in that page requests me to login and if i am logged in i see the students info about courses.

    [ redundant link removed ]

    [ Please do not bump. ]

    see status report below

     Site Url: https://connect.laineservices.com
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    Membership Catalog: Become Member (#1631) [https://connect.laineservices.com/index.php/become-member/]
    Student Dashboard: Members Dashboard (#1566) [https://connect.laineservices.com/index.php/members-dashboard/]
    Checkout Page: checkout (#1112) [https://connect.laineservices.com/index.php/checkout/]
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    WP Super Cache: 1.6.4
    BbPress: No
    BuddyPress: No

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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