Hello @tch3lp
We are sorry for the trouble.
524 error is a common Cloudflare issue. According to Cloudflare
Error 524 error indicates that Cloudflare made a successful TCP connection to the origin web server, but the origin did not reply with an HTTP response before the connection timed out. Typically, Cloudflare waits 100 seconds for an HTTP response. If the origin doesn’t respond in that time, Cloudflare closes the connection and you’ll see “Error 524: A timeout occurred”.
Please make sure the following –
1. You have PHP version 7.3 or greater
2. Using the latest version of Directorist (6.5.7)
3. Does it get resolved if you change the theme to and WP default theme?
4. Check and see if IP Security is on? Does it get resolved when you deactivate the security plugin? It is possible that ModSecurity blocking suspicious access.
5. It is also possible that PHP hit its limit and was slow to respond, causing Cloudflare to return the 524 Error. (Your hosting provider will be able to assist)
It is a server-side issue and your hosting provider will be able to give you a clearer picture of the situation. So, please reach out to your hosting provider and let us know if we can be of any help.