• Resolved arka1


    Hi there,

    I am getting the following error: “The memory limit is about to be exceeded before the search has started, this could be an early indicator that your site may soon struggle as well, unfortunately this means the plugin is unable to perform any searches. Current memory consumption: 126347264 bytes”

    I have found something in another thread as well, but no solution.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks ??


Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Plugin Author Marius L. J.



    Would you be able to temporarily add something like https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/sysinfo/ to get some information about the setup you are running? (you can of course remove the URL for your site if you don’t wish to share that bit as it won’t make a nimpact here)?

    Thread Starter arka1


    Hi there,

    following the advice I read on another thread, I loaded v1.9 and it worked fine.

    Does this help?

    One more question, can I search for a string of code within my posts and pages, not just core and plugin files?

    Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Marius L. J.


    You can’t search within posts or pages, no. This plugin is aimed at actual files in your WordPress directory.

    I’d still be interested in knowing the details of your setup so that I can confirm that it is a false positive report of memory issues, and why it’s happening if you’d be able to provide it?

    Thread Starter arka1


    No… it is not showing the message with what you asked me. I will need to send you a PM or something. Let me know ??

    Thread Starter arka1


    There you go (sorry for the delay).
    The problem is still there. I have just upgraded to 2.something and now I cannot use your plugin any more ??

    WordPress Version:      4.6
    PHP Version:            5.3.28
    MySQL Version:          5.6.21
    Web Server:             Apache
    WordPress URL:          
    Home URL:               https://www.autosvezzamento.it
    Cookie Domain:          Disabled
    Multi-Site Active:      No
    PHP cURL Support:       Yes
    PHP GD Support:         Yes
    PHP Memory Limit:       268435456
    PHP Memory Usage:       119.19M (0%)
    PHP Post Max Size:      100M
    PHP Upload Max Size:    100M
    WP Options Count:       1627
    WP Options Size:        4216.65kb
    WP Options Transients:  20
    WP_DEBUG:               Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG:           Disabled
    SAVEQUERIES:            Not set
    Operating System:       Mac
    Browser:                Apple Safari 9.1.3
    User Agent:             Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/601.7.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.1.3 Safari/601.7.8
    Active Theme:
    - Make 1.7.7
    Active Plugins:
    - Ad Inserter 1.7.0
    - Akismet 3.1.11
    - All In One SEO Pack
    - Author hReview
    - Better Search Replace 1.2.10
    - Cookie Notice
    - Custom Google Search 1.2.2
    - EasyAzon 4.0.15
    - EasyAzon Pro 4.0.15
    - Easy Updates Manager 6.2.3
    - Epoch 1.0.14
    - Floating Social Bar 1.1.7
    - Google Analytics by MonsterInsights 5.5.2
    - Header and Footer 2.0.3
    - Hustle 1.0
    - Jetpack by WordPress.com 4.2.2
    - P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
    - Peanut Butter Bar (smooth version) 1.2.1
    - Postmatic & Postmatic Labs 2.0.9
    - Q2W3 Fixed Widget 4.1
    - String Locator 2.0.1
    - Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening 1.8.1
    - SysInfo 1.1.0
    - WP Jump Menu 3.5.7
    - WPMU DEV Dashboard 4.1.2
    - WP Retina 2x 4.5.5
    - WP Smush Pro 2.4.5
    - WPSubscribers 1.591
    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    @arka1 – Your post was caught for moderation ?? No worries. I approved it.

    Thread Starter arka1


    Thanks Mika,
    I never got a message saying that it was in the moderation queue, so I thought it had been destroyed ??

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    We upgraded the forums on the 1st, so some things are still a little tetchy ??

    PHP Version: 5.3.28

    Any chance of upgrading to 5.6 or 7? I doubt that’s it, but PHP 5.4 and up handles memory better.

    Plugin Author Marius L. J.


    I’m actually wondering if this might be an ini_get issue, the maximum memory limit is populated using ini_get( 'memory_limit' ), so there might be something incorrect here. It definitely looks like you should be good for memory at least, even adding the buffer to avoid running out, there’s a lot left. Would you be able to do a quick test of it to see if we are actually getting the wrong data?

    If you can, what you’ll want to do is enable debugging for your WordPress site (the example is handy, it puts a debug.log file inside the wp-content directory.

    After that, on line 93 in wp-content/plugins/string-locator/string-locator.php (it should be an empty line) add the following:

    error_log( 'String locator memory: ' . var_export( $memory_limit, true ) );, and this line should appear in that debug file we enabled.

    Thread Starter arka1


    Ok, done, I think. This is what I see:

    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:28 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:30 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:31 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:35 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:35 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:40 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:41 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:42 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:42 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:42 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:43 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:43 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:45 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:48 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:48 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:48 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:48 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:51 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:52 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:54 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:56 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:55 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:55 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:56 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:57 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:58 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:52:59 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:00 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:03 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:03 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:05 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:04 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:05 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:04 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:05 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:06 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:06 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:06 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:08 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:08 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:10 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:12 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:12 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:12 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:14 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:13 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:15 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:15 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:15 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:17 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:17 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:19 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:19 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:20 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:19 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:19 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:22 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:20 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:21 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:22 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:23 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:23 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:26 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:26 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:26 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:26 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:26 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:27 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:27 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:28 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:29 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:30 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:31 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:33 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:31 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:33 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:33 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:35 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:34 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:35 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:36 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:36 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:36 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:37 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:38 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:40 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:40 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:41 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:41 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:41 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:44 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:43 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:44 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:45 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:46 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:47 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:47 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:47 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:47 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:48 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:47 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:49 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:50 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:53 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:53 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:54 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:54 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:55 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:56 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:56 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:56 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:58 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:58 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:53:58 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:54:00 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:54:01 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:54:02 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:54:03 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’
    [06-Sep-2016 20:54:03 UTC] String locator memory: ‘268435456’

    (hopefully I won’t end up in the spam folder.)

    Can I remove those lines of code?

    Plugin Author Marius L. J.


    Yup, you can remove them, thank you ??

    OK so I see why it’s failing, I haven’t expected anyone to actually write out the memory limit in full, instead of using a representation such as M or G for Megabytes or Gigabytes respectively (I expect them to use M and G so the value is never set).

    I’ll be including it in a patch I hope to have out in the next few days with some other fixes as well, thank you for your help with this!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Marius L. J..
    Thread Starter arka1



    Hi. Has there been an update for this issue yet? I’m getting the same issue.

    The memory limit is about to be exceeded before the search has started, this could be an early indicator that your site may soon struggle as well, unfortunately this means the plugin is unable to perform any searches. Current memory consumption: 73918464 of 64000000 bytes

    Plugin Author Marius L. J.


    @theonyxguy Your issue would be a different one, and this thread is more than 9 months old, would you mind opening your own topic and I’d be happy to debug it with you?

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • The topic ‘Memory limit’ is closed to new replies.