@mentions – use for child / new theme
hello guys
cool theme
I like it most because of the @mention feature(s)
Could you indicate me, which files I would have to include into my own (or child) theme, If i would like to include this feature into other themes too?
Working with bootstrap self-built theme, but I am struggling with finding the files in your theme that implemented this functionality, even if you don’t have so much files in there ??
appreciate any info!
thank you
This from the version 1.5.5 functions.php:
class P2 { /** * DB version. * * @var int */ var $db_version = 3; /** * Options. * * @var array */ var $options = array(); /** * Option name in DB. * * @var string */ var $option_name = 'p2_manager'; /** * Components. * * @var array */ var $components = array(); /** * Includes and instantiates the various P2 components. */ function P2() { // Fetch options $this->options = get_option( $this->option_name ); if ( false === $this->options ) $this->options = array(); // Include the P2 components $includes = array( 'compat', 'terms-in-comments', 'js-locale', 'mentions', 'search', 'js', 'options-page', 'widgets/recent-tags', 'widgets/recent-comments', 'list-creator' ); require_once( P2_INC_PATH . "/template-tags.php" ); // Logged-out/unprivileged users use the add_feed() + ::ajax_read() API rather than the /admin-ajax.php API // current_user_can( 'read' ) should be equivalent to is_user_member_of_blog() if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX && ( p2_user_can_post() || current_user_can( 'read' ) ) ) $includes[] = 'ajax'; foreach ( $includes as $name ) { require_once( P2_INC_PATH . "/$name.php" ); } // Add the default P2 components $this->add( 'mentions', 'P2_Mentions' ); $this->add( 'search', 'P2_Search' ); $this->add( 'post-list-creator', 'P2_Post_List_Creator' ); $this->add( 'comment-list-creator', 'P2_Comment_List_Creator' ); // Bind actions add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'init' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( &$this, 'maybe_upgrade_db' ), 5 ); }
I saw that, but this is not what I need i guess.
I see the “mentions” file is included in this, would it mean, I need to integrate ALL those files:
( ‘compat’, ‘terms-in-comments’, ‘js-locale’,
‘mentions’, ‘search’, ‘js’, ‘options-page’, ‘widgets/recent-tags’, ‘widgets/recent-comments’,
‘list-creator’ )
or could I work just with the Mentions file?I will try… ??
thanks for this (and more) info ??
In your theme you probably need to create a class, something like class P2()
And also create a function, something like function P2() but omit all parts except the “mentions” parts.
You are welcome. please mark the topic resolved?
I tried a “find by exclude” process, and as far aI see all JS folder files are quiet necessary + ca. 1/2 of the inc folder too.
I was able to reduce your theme down to the essential functions mention by you above, but still it requires many js files to “work”
will get there.
A final one:
I see it is not supported to “tag” users in POST BODY, even though you include “the_content” in the filter hook.
Any reasons why only comments have the fancy “pop up” when start typing?
Whats about email notifications on tagging?
I am on MAMP therefore bit difficult to check if it gives me notifications on tag event.
Perhaps you can enlighten me?
then I will happily close this one and go ahead ??
If you’re using p2 as a parent for your child, all the js and inc files will be there and available.
For a new parent, To begin, I would just keep all of P2/js and all of P2/inc …
Sorry, I can’t speak at all to the P2 functionality, it’s not mine. P2 is by Automattic, the same folks who operate WordPress.com. I would suspect P2 is authored by @matt himself.
Anything more should be here I believe: https://www.ads-software.com/tags/p2?forum_id=5
OK; i thank you
very nice your help.
solved, will eventually present this in a tutorial once done
OK, here comes a partial “solution” to this
I am working with bootstrap therefore some things might change from theme to theme…
Include in your current themes functions.php at the very top this one:
require_once( get_template_directory() . '/inc/utils.php' ); p2_maybe_define( 'P2_INC_PATH', get_template_directory() . '/inc' ); p2_maybe_define( 'P2_INC_URL', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc' ); p2_maybe_define( 'P2_JS_PATH', get_template_directory() . '/js' ); p2_maybe_define( 'P2_JS_URL', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js' ); class P2 { /** * DB version. * * @var int */ var $db_version = 3; /** * Options. * * @var array */ var $options = array(); /** * Option name in DB. * * @var string */ var $option_name = 'p2_manager'; /** * Components. * * @var array */ var $components = array(); /** * Includes and instantiates the various P2 components. */ function P2() { // Fetch options $this->options = get_option( $this->option_name ); if ( false === $this->options ) $this->options = array(); // Include the P2 components $includes = array( 'compat', 'terms-in-comments', 'js-locale', 'mentions', 'search', 'js', 'options-page', 'widgets/recent-tags', 'widgets/recent-comments', 'list-creator' ); require_once( P2_INC_PATH . "/template-tags.php" ); // Logged-out/unprivileged users use the add_feed() + ::ajax_read() API rather than the /admin-ajax.php API // current_user_can( 'read' ) should be equivalent to is_user_member_of_blog() if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX && ( p2_user_can_post() || current_user_can( 'read' ) ) ) $includes[] = 'ajax'; foreach ( $includes as $name ) { require_once( P2_INC_PATH . "/$name.php" ); } // Add the default P2 components $this->add( 'mentions', 'P2_Mentions' ); $this->add( 'search', 'P2_Search' ); $this->add( 'post-list-creator', 'P2_Post_List_Creator' ); $this->add( 'comment-list-creator', 'P2_Comment_List_Creator' ); // Bind actions add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'init' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( &$this, 'maybe_upgrade_db' ), 5 ); } function init() { } function ajax_read() { if ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { define( 'DOING_AJAX', true ); } require_once( P2_INC_PATH . '/ajax-read.php' ); P2Ajax_Read::dispatch(); } /** * Will upgrade the database if necessary. * * When upgrading, triggers actions: * 'p2_upgrade_db_version' * 'p2_upgrade_db_version_$number' * * Flushes rewrite rules automatically on upgrade. */ function maybe_upgrade_db() { if ( ! isset( $this->options['db_version'] ) || $this->options['db_version'] < $this->db_version ) { $current_db_version = isset( $this->options['db_version'] ) ? $this->options['db_version'] : 0; do_action( 'p2_upgrade_db_version', $current_db_version ); for ( ; $current_db_version <= $this->db_version; $current_db_version++ ) { do_action( "p2_upgrade_db_version_$current_db_version" ); } // Flush rewrite rules once, so callbacks don't have to. flush_rewrite_rules(); $this->set_option( 'db_version', $this->db_version ); $this->save_options(); } } /** * COMPONENTS API */ function add( $component, $class ) { $class = apply_filters( "p2_add_component_$component", $class ); if ( class_exists( $class ) ) $this->components[ $component ] = new $class(); } function get( $component ) { return $this->components[ $component ]; } function remove( $component ) { unset( $this->components[ $component ] ); } /** * OPTIONS API */ function get_option( $key ) { return isset( $this->options[ $key ] ) ? $this->options[ $key ] : null; } function set_option( $key, $value ) { return $this->options[ $key ] = $value; } function save_options() { update_option( $this->option_name, $this->options ); } } $GLOBALS['p2'] = new P2; function p2_get( $component = '' ) { global $p2; return empty( $component ) ? $p2 : $p2->get( $component ); } function p2_get_option( $key ) { return $GLOBALS['p2']->get_option( $key ); } function p2_set_option( $key, $value ) { return $GLOBALS['p2']->set_option( $key, $value ); } function p2_save_options() { return $GLOBALS['p2']->save_options(); }
then include the JS and INC folders in your Theme
Remove from js/jquery.jeditable.js this one (otherwise your Bootstrap “Submit Comment” button breaks) :
defaults: { element : function(settings, original) { var input = $('<input type="hidden"></input>'); $(this).append(input); return(input); }, content : function(string, settings, original) { $(':input:first', this).val(string); }, reset : function(settings, original) { original.reset(this); }, buttons : function(settings, original) { var form = this; if (settings.submit) { /* if given html string use that */ if (settings.submit.match(/>$/)) { var submit = $(settings.submit).click(function() { if (submit.attr("type") != "submit") { form.submit(); } }); /* otherwise use button with given string as text */ } else { var submit = $('<button type="submit" />'); submit.html(settings.submit); } $(this).append(submit); } if (settings.cancel) { /* if given html string use that */ if (settings.cancel.match(/>$/)) { var cancel = $(settings.cancel); /* otherwise use button with given string as text */ } else { var cancel = $('<button type="cancel" />'); cancel.html(settings.cancel); } $(this).append(cancel); $(cancel).click(function(event) { //original.reset(); if ($.isFunction($.editable.types[settings.type].reset)) { var reset = $.editable.types[settings.type].reset; } else { var reset = $.editable.types['defaults'].reset; } reset.apply(form, [settings, original]); return false; }); } } },
This works with a few glitches, which i’ll post next… just give me some time ??
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