• Resolved jfp22



    on the menu there is icons

    where can I change them ?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author videowhisper



    You can change the icons in the menu by editing the menu items in the WordPress admin area from Appearance > Menus.
    After opening menu item options (with the arrow) you can edit a field FansPaysite Icon Class (Font Awesome). You can use the Font Awesome Icon Picker to select the icon you want to use by clicking on the icon field.
    You can also use custom icon classes from other icon sets you have added to your site with custom css or site plugins. In example, theme also loads Semantic / Fomantic UI icons for interface elements and you can also use.

    For more assistance and faster replies contact theme developers from:

    Thread Starter jfp22


    thanks a lot

    I am french and understand anything on PHP CODE and CSS

    here what I have see on the CSS

    FansPaysite: menu.php (inc/menu.php)

    //mapping of letters to suggestive icons for each letter
    protected static $letter_mapping = array(
    'a' => 'fas fa-anchor',
    'b' => 'fas fa-basketball-ball',
    'c' => 'fas fa-car',
    'd' => 'fas fa-dice',
    'e' => 'fas fa-envelope',
    'f' => 'fas fa-flag',
    'g' => 'fas fa-globe',
    'h' => 'fas fa-hat-wizard',
    'i' => 'fas fa-ice-cream',
    'j' => 'fas fa-jedi',
    'k' => 'fas fa-key',
    'l' => 'fas fa-lightbulb',
    'm' => 'fas fa-moon',
    'n' => 'fas fa-network-wired',
    'o' => 'fas fa-otter',
    'p' => 'fas fa-paw',
    'q' => 'fas fa-question',
    'r' => 'fas fa-rainbow',
    's' => 'fas fa-star',
    't' => 'fas fa-tree',
    'u' => 'fas fa-umbrella',
    'v' => 'fas fa-volleyball-ball',
    'w' => 'fas fa-wine-glass',
    'x' => 'fas fa-x-ray',
    'y' => 'fas fa-yin-yang',
    'z' => 'fas fa-zig-zag',

    if I want to change a lettre, where can I take icons he write

    I saw that for lettrer A = Anchor, B = Basket ball

    for T = I want Tank, how can I do ?

    ‘line1’ => ‘fas fa-tank’, etc…

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by jfp22.
    Theme Author videowhisper


    The code includes some default generated icons to display for demonstrative purposes until you pick own icons from WP backend.
    You don’t need to edit the code unless you want to programmatically assign icons, instead of manually assigning an icon for each menu you create from backend.

    You can change the icons in the menu by editing the menu items in the WordPress admin area from Appearance > Menus.
    After opening menu item options (with the arrow) you can edit the field FansPaysite Icon Class (Font Awesome). You can use the Font Awesome Icon Picker to select the icon you want to use by clicking on the icon field.
    Click the FansPaysite Icon Class inpunt field to show the icon picker.

    Thread Starter jfp22


    I have understand

    Thanks a lot !

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