Yes, you are right of course, thanks for pointing that out.
I will explain it more throughly.
What I did was the follwing:
1 Log into WPA Back office
2 Hold mouse over “Appearance” on left hand menu
3 Cick “menu” on sub menu that slides out
4 On menu page, choose the menu I wish to edit
5. On the menu I wish to edit, delete menu item, i.e. one of the entries on the menu that you normally click and it opens a page that it is linked to
6. Add a new item onto the menu, i.e. on the pages table on the left othe menu that I chose, click the check box of the page I want added to the menu, and then click “Add to Menu” button
7. Click “Save Menu” button
8. Refresh the website to see if the menu changes show up, and they don’t.
9. Clear Cache and cookies and restart browser, no changes.
10. Try in different browser, no changes.
11. Did the plugin / theme conflict test as mentioned in my previous message, no changes
Let me know if you think that is sufficient to explain it or not, and if not, please let me know what is unclear so that I can further explain.
Thanks again
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by