• Hello Xootix,

    I’m testing your login plugin before I buy, but I’m wondering if in the menu item ‘HELLO, username’ we can change it to the user first name?

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  • Thread Starter bttmrc


    Ok, so I was able to achieve what I wanted by going to:

    and change
    $item->title = get_avatar($user->ID).str_replace( 'username' , $user->user_login , $item->title );


    $item->title = get_avatar($user->ID).str_replace( 'username' , $user->first_name , $item->title );

    Is there anything I can do to not lose the changes in the next update, or better yet can you add this as a option? Or even better, is this an option on the paid version?



    Agree that at minimum this should be first name by default.

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