Hello @chordzillastatistics,
Thank you for reaching out,
What exactly are you trying to do?
Your question was: “I couldn’t find where the actual URLs are outputted.” Without knowing what you want to achieve, I can’t guide you effectively.
In general, there’s no need to edit menu-walker.php directly, but you do need to understand this file to interpret the changes. As you mentioned, and as I pointed out above, you should edit the nav.php file.
I also mentioned that you need to edit header.php. All header templates are located in the following path: Theme Root / partials / header This directory should be copied exactly into your child theme, and your changes should be made there.
The location you need to edit is here: OceanWP Child Theme: nav.php (partials/header/nav.php) Line: 126
Menu modifications require familiarity with PHP. If you don’t have sufficient experience with PHP, it’s better to consult an expert. Customizations of this type aren’t covered under support.
Also, you should test your desired changes in an environment other than the production website.
Additionally, without editing the code in the theme, you can create the desired HTML for the header and place it in the custom header: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/355-how-to-create-a-custom-header.
I hope it helps.
Best Regards