• Hi!
    How can I make the navbar box appear as wide as the slider picture I have at the moment? And that the menu buttons would remain on one line. The logo also appears a bit small. After the newest update the slider texts also disappeared, any help on this?
    A bit newbie with the coding still..

    Appreciate any help!

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  • Link to site?

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    Oh, I′m sorry. https://www.aegroup.fi

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    I got the text to appear but all the modifications are gone..
    and I am using a child theme..

    On a 1920px monitor, this would work:

    .sticky-disabled .logo-centered .navbar-inner, .tc-no-sticky-header .logo-centered .navbar-inner {
    width: 65%;
    margin-left: 17%;

    But as the viewport shrinks, you need to adjust the % using @media statements.

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    Thank you, it works fine on my big screen but not on my laptop, and the @media adjustings don′t seem to work..

    You’ve not set up your Child Theme properly yet. Starts with:

     Theme Name:   Customizr Child
     Theme URI:    https://example.com/Customizr-child/
     Description:  Customizr Child Theme
     Author:       John Doe
     Author URI:   https://example.com
     Template:     customizr
     Version:      1.0.0
     Tags:         light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
     Text Domain:  customizr-child

    which is correct

    Remove the rest that you’ve copied from a core file. It should just contain selectors that are different to the core files.

    See here

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    I had a child theme before I updated Customizr and it′s stylesheet looks like this:
    Theme Name: Nasu
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of Customizr
    Template: customizr

    @import url(“../customizr/style.css”);

    @media screen and (min-width: 980px){ (max-width: 1199px) {
    .navbar.notresp {
    top: 10px;
    .navbar .nav > li > a {
    font-size: 10px;
    @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
    .navbar .nav > li > a {
    font-size: 10px;
    .navbar.notresp {
    top: 10px;

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    But after I updated customizr this Nasu theme shows totally blank!
    It was also searching for this: @import url(“../customizr/inc/css/yellow.css”);
    But then I changed it to: @import url(“../customizr/style.css”);
    But it didn′t help..

    Customizr created a new child theme by itself and it looks like it does now. Sounds weird, huh?

    Thread Starter Moira.Akerman


    Ok sorry, that sounded a bit weird. Haven′t done anything with this site for a while so don′t remember all the steps I did.

    But the point is I was using this “Nasu” child theme before, and it was working fine until the update. All php with modifications are also in the Nasu file.
    Now it shows just a blank screen..
    Should I maybe upload the old version of Customizr?

    The child theme should have 2 files:
    – style.css
    – functions.php

    The Nasu code should be in the style.css. You can remove @import url("../customizr/style.css"); as Czr does that automatically. You don’t need @import url("../customizr/inc/css/yellow.css"); if you have selected the Yellow Skin in Customize>Global Settings>Skin

    php code will be in functions.php, NOT style.css

    I would get this working otherwise you’ll not be able to keep up with future enhancements.

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