• Resolved plakapong


    Hi I made the menu page the page to display the menu in customizer but I notice that since I have made changes within the app, they are not reflected on the website page. Also tried just using the menu shortcode and it’s the same. Any ideas how this can be fixed? I’ve tried reloading the site several times to no avail.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    When you make changes to the food menu and what to have them updated also on the website you need to click the “Refresh menu” button in the Publishing page of the plugin (https://prnt.sc/rtkjkm).

    Thread Starter plakapong


    Ah I couldn’t see that as my screen size was hiding it. Thanks for the answer and speed of reply. Fantastic support.

    How can we add third party payment gatway for advance payment. In this plugin there ar only options of cash and card on counter. But if any user want to pay online ? Then how will he pay?
    could you plz resolve this so that we could integrate any Indian Payment Gatway like: Instamojo, Rozerpay, Payu money.etcetc. Please reply as soon as possible.

    Thanks !

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