• danielle_r


    Hi all,

    I’m trying to get the main menu to behave normally on small screens, that is when it is in toggled-on state (after you pushed the menu button that appears on small screens.)
    My issue is that either no submenu’s show when you hover over the parent menu item, this is the code:

    .main-navigation ul.nav-menu.toggled-on li ul{

    Or it shows all items, that is all the submenu’s are displayed, if I don’t include the code above.
    This is the website: https://annemariemaes.net/

    Maybe I’m missing something very simple here? Any help is greatly appreciated as I’ve been struggling with this for over a week.

    TIA for you help, d.

    [Please don’t create more duplicate threads – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/submenu-expands-on-small-screens-toggled-on-1?replies=1 ]

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  • Creatrix


    I’ve struggled with this before and it’s tricky. Mainly because the menu is designed for smaller screens (tablet, mobile etc) but the hover trigger isn’t widely supported by those devices.

    I’m led to believe that the themes that use these kind of menus only show the top level pages. No sub pages.

    My workaround was to get rid of the mobile menu and use my own, or a plug in.

    This ones useful, as it shows all of your sites pages in a select menu and also keeps the structure. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/responsive-select-menu/

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