• Dear Sir,

    My query is for https://www.pastace.com.

    Query is- In mobile, Menu option not open in all pages and opens only in last page like 10th page in my above said site. Same problem is not in desktop version. Menu option opens and usable in all pages.

    Kindly guide to solve please.

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  • Hi @prayag922 !

    Are you having trouble loading your menu on the web browser on your mobile device or on the WordPress mobile app?

    If it’s on the web browser on your mobile device, that would not be an issue with the mobile app. For issues concerning your site in a web browser, please post your question and/or search for answers in the general www.ads-software.com support forums here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum/miscellaneous/

    Of course, if you have questions related to the mobile app, we’re happy to help!

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  • The topic ‘Menu opens in last page and not on all pages’ is closed to new replies.