Menu style
I have installed kocuj sitemap wordpress plugin.Through this plugin i have created my site map.But my menu is not display properly.I want to add depth level in menu.Currently it shows simple design.
I don’t understand exactly the problem. Can you provide more information? What do you mean by “my menu is not display properly”?
for example:site map display
I want to display
–test2I want to display Hierarchical site map
Kocuj Sitemap plugin does display the hierarchical sitemap. If your menu has submenus it will be displayed in this way. if your pages has child pages, it will also be displayed in this way.
Which WordPress version do you use? Which Kocuj Sitemap plugin version do you use? Are you sure that this problem is not because of your theme which display list incorrectly?
Can you copy fragment of your HTML source with the sitemap here? It will be helpful to check what is going on, because I still can’t understand your problem.
I’ve just checked the Kocuj Sitemap plugin one more time and it display all of this as it should be – hierarchical if it is defined in this way.
I think I have a similar problem. I have a very structured, hierarchical menu, yet the resulting sitemap has no structure. Using version of WP 4.4.2, with the “Church” theme of You can see our website at Go to the very bottom of our home page and UNDER the word SITEMAP you will see a link in blue (I’m not a webmaster/programmer; don’t know how to fix that) and see the resultant page. But if you look at the “structure” in the “main menu” at the top of the home page, you will see that the sitemap page does not mimic that main menu structure. Thanks in advance for your help.
I’ve checked your website and it is as I thought – it is problem with theme.
Your sitemap generated by “Kocuj Sitemap” plugin is displayed correctly as multi-level list. It can be seen in source of your website. However, styles for your website has some problem with multi-level website and are displaying it without any margins on the left. All styles are from theme, not from plugin. The “Kocuj Sitemap” plugin do not generates any styles but only code for the sitemap.
So, this is definitely problem with theme.
If you have problems with changing CSS styles for your theme (I think you can have problems, because – as you said – you’re not a webmaster or programmer), I can propose some alternative solution. Because list with sitemap is tagged as generated by the “Kocuj Sitemap” plugin (by setting “div” class as “kocujsitemap”), you can add your own styles. To do so, you can try the following steps in the following order:
1) Install plugin “Simple Custom CSS” ( ) to add new CSS styles to your website.
2) Go to configuration for “Simple Custom CSS” plugin and add the following text into it:
div.kocujsitemap ul ul { margin-left: 15px; }
3) Click on button “update custom CSS” to add this CSS style.
After refreshing your website, you should have the sitemap correctly displayed. You can change the value “15” to something which you likes better for your website. This value is the width for indentations on list.
It looks like I should think about adding some options for styling into my plugin. Unfortunately, it looks like there are few themes which has wrong styling for multi-level lists. It should be corrected by their authors, but I know that sometimes it is not possible to get fix from author and it looks like I should do something about this for people who has these problems. I will think about this for future versions of my plugin.
This method provides in this post can be used by any other website.
Please, let me know if it works, if you will try it.
I forget about HTML 5 websites. Please, use this code instead of this from previous post:
.kocujsitemap ul ul { margin-left: 15px; }
Thank you for your prompt response! As I said, and you acknowledged, I’m not a webmaster/programmer and so I will have to share your instructions with someone who is. Will let you know if we are successful. Thanks again.
OK. I’ll be waiting then for information.
Your feedback (if it works or not) would be helpful, because I’d like to add information about this to FAQ for all other people which have the same problem.
Hello Dominik,
We have a parishioner who is a webmaster. He fixed the problem! He advised me yesterday that he followed your instructions carefully and explicitly and they did the trick. Of course, I don’t know how he did it, but he told me to report to you that your instructions were “spot on.” Thanks again.Thank you for your feedback. I’m glad that it works!
Today there has been released new version of Kocuj Sitemap plugin – 2.1.0. This version has also option for WordPress installations with themes with damaged list styles.
This is from Kocuj Sitemap plugin FAQ:
Sometimes the multi-level sitemap is displayed without additional left margins. It is not this plugin fault, but it is problem in your theme! This plugin does not create the sitemap appearance. It is task for your theme. When this problem occurs, it is not relate only to the sitemap, but to all multi-level lists on your website. You should contact with your theme author and he should fix this bug.
If you can’t fix this problem for some reason (author of theme is unavailable, he can’t fix the bug, etc.), the Kocuj Sitemap plugin has the solution. However, this solution is only for the sitemap – problems with all other multi-level lists will not be corrected in any way. To fix the problem with multi-level sitemap, you should go to the administration settings for the Kocuj Sitemap plugin (submenu Basic settings), click on the tab Sitemap format, enter the required left margin in field Force left margin in pixels for each level on multi-level list and click on the Save settings button.
I think this topic can be closed, because it is resolved.
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