Menu under training posts not showing any more
For one more time I must express what an excellent job you’ve done with your plug-in.
It worked seamlessly on my site until today – with the exception of a few minor hiccups not worth mentioning.
The problem that came up is that the [Make live … Delete] menu under the training posts stopped showing, so I cannot post any more.
This is most probably related to a yesterday replacement of user ‘admin’ with a new one in order to enhance WP login security. New user has admin rights and I have chosen him in the ‘options/ advanced’ page of my Curator.
IMHO it looks like the new user is not authorized to post?
Also, each time I save my Curator setting I get the following error in my php error log.WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘pr_url’ for query ALTER TABLE wp_postsread ADD KEY pr_url (pr_url) made by do_action(‘mycurator_page_mycurator/MyCurator_options’), call_user_func_array, mct_ai_optionpage, mct_ai_createdb, dbDelta, dbrc_wpdb->query, dbrc_wpdb->dbcr_query
Regardless the error, the settings in the option pages are saved. I can not say if any additional hidden setting are also saved.
I realize it is not an everyday condition, but it looks I will need your help to remedy this situation.
Thank you
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