• Resolved ChiefGlider



    since the latest Polylang update, our site https://www.tufast-eco.de has some issues. Somehow, both english and german appear twice (de and de-2 as well as en and en-2). Also, the flags are gone for the “-2” languages and I switched it to text now. All content is somehow in the “-2”. Is it possible to merge all the content to the de/en and delete the “-2”? I am absolutely not sure how this happened.



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  • Plugin Support Chrystl



    1) From which Polylang version did you update?
    2) Did you delete, modify or add a language?

    Could you provide a screen shot of your languages settings?

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider



    I always updated to the latest version so it was from 1.7.9 to 1.7.10.

    I did not delete/modify/add anything.

    Screenshot: https://tufast-eco.de/?attachment_id=3510

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Thanks the screen shot. I see that you have modified the language “Code” of your both languages, eng and deu. There are by default “en” for english and “de” for german.
    How did you that? By editing the existing language, or by creating a new language?

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider



    I have not modified it myself. These languages might have existed before the latest update but it has not been an issue before that. I really can’t remember exactly, however I am sure that I didnt create these double languages on purpose.

    I only got the attention to this as suddenly the language flags were absent in the widget.

    I just played around a little and I cannot modify the “de-2” into “de” to give it the appropriate flags.

    When I try to delete “de” (because it has no content anyway), suddenly there is no language left at all – although I only deleted one. When I try to the languages then it tells me “impossible to add the language”.

    Finally, I had to restore a backup to get everything back to this state.

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    It’s like you have 4 languages.

    Go in your Database.

    1) Then go in the wp_terms table find the term_id of your 4 languages, you must have 4 English entries and 4 German entries. Here an example with 2 French entries: i.e: https://nimb.ws/ZxdNXF

    Provide me a screen shot where appear these 4 English entries and 4 German entries.

    2) Then go in the wp_term_taxonomy table. Check if in the description you see the locale: i.e: https://nimb.ws/WhQGlC
    You must have 4 “language” entries.

    Provide me a screen shot where appear these 4 “language” entries.

    3) Then go in your wp_options table > option_name column > _transient_pll_languages_list.
    See: https://nimb.ws/0S5HPi

    Could you copy/paste for the option_value of the _transient_pll_languages_list in this tools (output: check print_r): https://www.unserialize.com/ ?

    Then forward me the result using the code button in the topic bare tools.

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider


    This will take me a bit as I don’t have access to the database right now. I will try to get it asap an do your instructions – thanks!

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider



    I finally got around to do this.

    1) It seems that this is kind of weird. I can find these entries (check both screenshots)

    2) This also seems off. Not 4 entries.


        [0] => Array
                [term_id] => 29
                [name] => Deutsch
                [slug] => de-2
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 29
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => a:2:{s:6:"locale";s:5:"de_DE";s:3:"rtl";s:1:"0";}
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 254
                [tl_term_id] =>
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] =>
                [tl_count] =>
                [locale] =>
                [is_rtl] =>
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] =>
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de-2/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de-2/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] =>
        [1] => Array
                [term_id] => 31
                [name] => English
                [slug] => en-2
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 31
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => a:2:{s:6:"locale";s:5:"en_US";s:3:"rtl";s:1:"0";}
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 153
                [tl_term_id] =>
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] =>
                [tl_count] =>
                [locale] =>
                [is_rtl] =>
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] =>
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/en-2/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/en-2/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] =>
        [2] => Array
                [term_id] => 412
                [name] => Deutsch
                [slug] => de
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 412
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => de_DE
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 0
                [tl_term_id] => 413
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 413
                [tl_count] => 1
                [locale] => de_DE
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/de_DE.png
                [flag] => <img src="" title="Deutsch" alt="Deutsch" />
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 3470
    Thread Starter ChiefGlider


    So in conclusion, it seems like there are 2 Deutsch (German) entries and 1 english. I would like to have only 1 each and thes should be de / en not de-2 and en-2.

    Interestingly, the “en_GB” which is shown in the Polylang options, does not show up here at all.

    I think all this trouble might be connected to the latest WP updates with the languages and that we once importet this database from a joomla installation.

    If you are interested, I can send you the whole SQL table as a ZIP file.

    Thanks for you help so far!

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Thanks for these informations. I need some complementary informations.
    I noted what I need on the screenshot: https://nimb.ws/jHgcBA

    Could you provide a screenshot of your languages table (Settings > Languages > Language tab)? I need to see if you have made some changes.

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider



    thanks for the quick response. I hope this is what you need:

    1) 26 and 27 seem to be categories

    2) Settings are like this:

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Are you sure that you gave the informations of the right database, or of the last update? There are many inconsistents.

    For example, your home pages are https://tufast-eco.de/language/en/ https://tufast-eco.de/language/de/, but according your database they should be https://tufast-eco.de/language/en-2/ and https://tufast-eco.de/language/de-2/

    You languages table displays 4 languages, according your database you should have only 3 languages in this table.

    Nothing matches.

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider


    Hi – i double-checked and I must have made a mistake – probably used an old DB backup? Sorry for the confusion.

    I updated all plugins to the latest version (including polylang). I used the “BackWPup” Plugin to download the database and a XAMPP installation with phpmyadmin on my PC to import that database and do the screenshots you requested.

    Here is the updated information (this fits better!)




        [0] => Array
                [term_id] => 29
                [name] => Deutsch
                [slug] => de
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 29
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => a:2:{s:6:"locale";s:5:"de_DE";s:3:"rtl";i:0;}
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 256
                [tl_term_id] =>
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] =>
                [tl_count] =>
                [locale] =>
                [is_rtl] =>
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] =>
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/de/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] =>
        [1] => Array
                [term_id] => 31
                [name] => English
                [slug] => en
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 31
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => a:2:{s:6:"locale";s:5:"en_GB";s:3:"rtl";i:0;}
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 154
                [tl_term_id] =>
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] =>
                [tl_count] =>
                [locale] =>
                [is_rtl] =>
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] =>
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/en/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/en/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] =>
        [2] => Array
                [term_id] => 428
                [name] => Deutsch
                [slug] => deu
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 428
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => de_DE
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 0
                [tl_term_id] => 429
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 429
                [tl_count] => 1
                [locale] => de_DE
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/de_DE.png
                [flag] => <img src="" title="Deutsch" alt="Deutsch" />
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/deu/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/deu/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 3508
        [3] => Array
                [term_id] => 432
                [name] => English
                [slug] => eng
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 432
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => en_GB
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 0
                [tl_term_id] => 433
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 433
                [tl_count] => 2
                [locale] => en_GB
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/en_GB.png
                [flag] => <img src="" title="English" alt="English" />
                [home_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/eng/
                [search_url] => https://tufast-eco.de/language/eng/
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 3509

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    1) Make a backup of your database.

    2) Go in your wp_terms table then replace pll_deu by pll_de and pll_eng by pll_en. See: https://nimb.ws/l0MwLN

    3) Then resave your Polylang settings (Settings > languages > Settings). It will update the transient.

    4) Go in your languages table, then check that you have your flags for the languages with the post (artikel) and with the code ‘en’ and ‘de’. Check that your strings have been saved correctly. Check that all work fine.

    Thread Starter ChiefGlider


    Hello – that worked beautifully. I deleted the other two unnecessary languages after that and everything is perfect again.

    Thank you so much for your time & help – donation incoming!

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