1. For a 1 day booking set the checkin as 2015-11-04 and the ceckout as 2015-11-05.
With the option “Display last day as Free” ( in the “Availability Calendar and Bookings Settings’) set the last day (checkout 2015–11-05) is seen as free. So only 2015-11-04 is busy.
a) Add to the option “List of Rooms” the name salon.
b) Display the Calendar in a post/page by the shortcode [availbooking name=”salon”]
c) Configure the CTF7 as in the description.
If you display the contact form on the same page as the calendar and you have only the one room “salon” you may us in the CTF7 configuration Form tab the shortcode [booking salon].
3) You are very welcome to contribute to the translation.
In the next release (within a couple of days) I will make available a file named jm_avail_booking-en_US.po. You will find this file in the map ../wp-content/plugins/jm-avail-booking/languages/.
In this file you find for each item to translate the following combination:
msgid “Bookings”
msgstr “”
Change the msgstr “” in msgstr “reserva” . Do this action for all these combinations in the file and send me the file.