• ResolvedPlugin Author gVectors Team


    We just detected this issue on some websites after updating to 3.2.3 and higher versions. This is not a very often issue, but please do the following steps to fix that:

    1. This is a option caching issue. First you should make sure all caches are deleted and CDN is purged. Then change the browser and do the next steps.

    2. Go to wpDiscuz Settings > General Settings Tab and uncheck/disable these two options:
    — Comment author must fill out email
    — Comment author must fill out name

    3. Go to front-end post page, do CTRL+F5 twice and test it again.
    4. Go back to the same setting Tab and enable both again. Then do the same #3 step. After these manipulation it should clear WordPress and browser cache. And all should work fine.

    Let us know if this manipulation didn’t help you. Also please leave these data to allow us continue troubleshooting this problem:

    • WordPress version:
    • WordPress language:
    • Cache plugin name:
    • CDN service name:


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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Also, if you use Cloudflare CDN, please disable the Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader, and check it again.




    I’m getting similar error at the time, after 3.2.4 update. It says “Some of field value is invalid” and doesn’t accept the comment. What can you say about that? I hope it’s gonna be solved. Now i’m rolled back and using 3.2.3, there’s no problem.

    WP version: 4.4.1
    Language: Turkish (tr_TR)
    I’m not using cache.
    CDN: CloudFlare (Purged All)


    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Could you please check this support topic. Is your case similar?




    Unfortunately it’s not. I already don’t use rocket loader property and all my cache options are disabled.


    I’m getting the same error and applying the procedure you explain in the first message does not fix it.

    My installation data:
    wpDiscuz 3.2.4 (3.2.3 works ok).
    WordPress 4.4.1
    Zen Cache

    Now I have the pluggin disabled till the issue will be solved, because readers can not comment if it is enabled.

    Thanks in advance,

    I installed it again and rolled back to 3.2.3 and it works fine.
    If you want to check something, the web is https://www.cazadividendos.com


    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    There is not any difference in 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 regarding to this issue. So I can say 3.2.4 also works fine on your website. The only issue you’ve not properly deleted caches on WordPress and Browser. The 3.2.4 version is only released for CAPTCHA header not found error. Nothing else.

    I don’t know if it is a problem in 3.2.4 or not. I only can explain what I’m seeing in my web:

    This morning I’ll updated to 3.2.4, previously I had published comments without problem. Once updated, it shows a message warning about required fields and does not publish de comment.

    This is what I did to try to solve it:
    – Uncheck mandatory name and email in comments.
    – Clearing cache in the Zen Cache
    – Press Ctrl+F5 twice or three times.
    – Try to publish a comment. It works.
    – Check mandatory name in comments (I don’t use mandatory email).
    – Clearing cache in the Zen Cache
    – Press Ctrl+F5 twice or three times.
    – Try to publish a comment. It fails.

    That is to say, applying the procedure does not fix the issue in my case.

    Should I do something else?

    Once I downgraded to 2.2.3 I can publish comments normally again.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    @fatihbasaran, please answer on these questions:

    Are you talking about “Please fill out required fields” error message?
    Do you test it as logged in user or guest?
    Could you please disable Live Update before checking?
    Also, we found some cases that this problems comes from browser cache. Could you please check it with different browser?

    Thank you.

    we’re currently testing wpDiscuz with
    CloudFlare CDN and Zen Cache separately… I’ll update this topic soon.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Thank you very much for this information, it’s very helpful. Could you please answer on my last comment questions as well?

    >>> Are you talking about “Please fill out required fields” error message?
    <<< Yes, but in Spanish.

    >>> Do you test it as logged in user or guest?
    <<< Guest user filling name, email and web.

    >>> Could you please disable Live Update before checking?
    <<< I have it always disabled.

    >>> Also, we found some cases that this problems comes from browser cache. Could you please check it with different browser?
    <<< I tried with Firefox and Internet Explorer



    Are you talking about “Please fill out required fields” error message?
    – No, i’m talking about invalid field entry error message.
    Do you test it as logged in user or guest?
    – I’m tested both, had same error
    Could you please disable Live Update before checking?
    – I’m already disabled it
    Also, we found some cases that this problems comes from browser cache. Could you please check it with different browser?
    – I did it but not works


    (double post, my apologies.)

    (Hmm ? Antispam measures ? Or I didn’t properly send my post ?)


    No ranting, allright ? Just providing feedback if it helps.

    I’m getting the same error as everyone else, “Some fields are missing”. My blog got zero comments since yesterday, instead of 20 or so.

    What I did, following your explanations, and in that order
    – set Cloudflare to development mode (thus, they only work as DNS, no caching, minifying or anything anymore)
    – deleted Wp-Supercache’s cached contents
    – disable Wp-Supercache
    – open a new browser in which I am never logged in when visiting the blog
    – empty that browser’s cache and cookies
    – try again: still the same error as everyone

    How I solved the problem, temporarily of course:
    – go to the plugin’s WP page https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpdiscuz/
    – copy the download link, change in the URL the dot four with dot 3, and download the previous version of the plugin
    – Replace the plugin’s files in the plugin’s directory on the server with the 3.2.3 version
    – Woot, it works again! ??

    I checked my Apache’s error log, and there were no entries related to my IP or to the “discuz” keyword at the time I experienced the “fields” error message.

    I can’t disclose my blog’s URL, but if you want more testing done, I’m not against it.

    Yep, Cloudflare for me.

    I am too reluctant at the thought of giving a third party the virtual keys to my server’s insides, to be frank. Nothing against you personally of course, I’ve just grown extremely paranoid over the years when it comes to security.

    Would you have a “super verbose” version of the plugin perhaps, that could log in lengthy details the errors that happen and whose logs I could share with you ?

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