• ironmac


    Hi everyone,

    I decided to run WP off of my OS X Panther (10.3.9) machine while using DynDNS because I am using DSL. I followed the instructions from https://nerdvittles.com (along with a couple of other sites including WP) and everything seemed to work out great. The only problem being that my url was going to my “Hello World” index.html webpage.

    That was solved by changing the content of the index.html document with the following:

    <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; url=/blog/”>
    Click here if you are not automatically redirected.

    That worked out fine except that someone pointed out that they could see my computer’s name:


    That was a bit of a problem so someone else suggested that I change the file in Apache with the following:

    sudo cp -p /etc/httpd/httpd.conf{,.orig}
    sudo vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

    Type everything exactly as it is here. <Ret> means “hit return”, <ESC> hit escape, <n> hit lower case n, <N> enter capital N.


    <n> till you are on the appropriate line listed above. If you go too far, <N> to go back. Press <$> (shift-4). Then type the following:


    This should put you on the second line above, if not, <n> till you are there.


    Ok, so I typed in his instructions but, now, there are two issues. In his words:

    (1) Content links

    A number of your links are absolute with a host of ‘’ – this means that your blog will work right when you view it from your machine, but looks broken to everyone else.

    (2) Theme links

    Your theme links still include the ‘/blog/’ directory. You’ll need to update them to get rid of that.

    I’ve never used WordPress, but there is probably a simple config to fix both of these. For example, look for a config entry that is:

    http: //
    http: //

    Sorry for this long post but can anyone tell me what is going on? I’m sooooo close to getting this done!!! Thanks!

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  • petit


    All this seems very strange, but than I don’t run OSX.
    Apache and WordPress should be the same though.

    If you followed the installation instructions, and selected to have a /blog directory, the whole WP distribution should be copied to that directory ( folder ). You should create an empty database on your MySQL. In you wp-config.php, you should enter the name of the database and the user/password you’ve set up for the database.
    After that you should run the wp-install.php from your browser.

    If you are going calling your install script form a browser on the same machine, you should be able to use localhost/blog or 127.0.01/blog or your computername/blog.

    If you are in the same LAN you should be able to call the page using https://yourcomputername/blog/wp-admin/install.php

    If you are going to show your blog to the world, you must have a static ip address, not one you get dynamically from your service provider.

    After installation you reach the main page of your blog at https://yourdomain/blog. “yourdomain” is as above.

    Now to the problem with HelloWorld. I se no problem here. If you go to https://yourdomain/ you address the docroot of your web site, and you can have any content here as a normal web site, and still use your /blog directory for your blog.
    The only thing I can see being done in the httpd.conf file is to make sure that index.php is in the list of accepted index documents.

    If you have a static ip address or a domain name bound to your local name ( by DNS ), you may want to set the permalink structure, to get nicer URL’s. Otherwise index.php will always be part of the name to any URL.

    (1)”A number of your links are absolute with a host of ‘’ – this means that your blog will work right when you view it from your machine, but looks broken to everyone else.”

    Yes if they are in fact hard coded. I wouldn’t think they are. The links are created by WordPress every time a browser requests a page or a post, and are no real directories.

    (2)”Your theme links still include the ‘/blog/’ directory. You’ll need to update them to get rid of that.”

    There are no theme links.
    The address to any post or page in your blog should normally contain /blog/. That’s where your main index.php resides. If your theme has an index.php file, and most themes have, that index page is used instead. WP runs the show here.

    Tip! If you don’t plan to use a normal web site in the document root, you can move your WordPress blog to the root and /blog/ will no longer be part of the address.

    Think about it!
    ( Words, words ??

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