MetaSlider css loading
Hello I’m using MetaSlider 3.96.0 and I would like to ask is it possible to make CSS load inside the <head> tag, as I see all related CSS is loaded inside the <body> I use nivoslider, and these elements are loaded:
id=”metaslider-nivo-slider-css”, id=”metaslider-public-css”, id=”metaslider-public-inline-css”, metaslider-nivo-slider-default-css.
I listed id selectors of elements that get loaded inside the body, and I am trying to improve Page Speed Insights Score, and manually I tried experimenting and moving those files to <head> and it improved my score, because then CSS gets loaded first it doesn’t cause some elements moving or flickering as styles are already loaded in advance. I inspected code a little bit and found out that the enqueue_scripts() method is called for the slider but that same method handles the loading of JS and CSS, I see that enqueue_scripts() is called when shortcode is registered which might be too late actually, so CSS files are not loaded in <head> tag as expected.
Is there any option that I am not aware of or possibilty to load CSS inside <head> tags?
Thank you so much in advance
Best regards,
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