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  • Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    Hi, the slideshows aren’t centered by default, maybe there was some theme styling that was causing this before? You can change the slideshow alignment though to center it using metadata.

    Thread Starter NottsForest


    Here’s what in the (

    <?php if ( function_exists( ‘meteor_slideshow’ ) ) { meteor_slideshow(); } ?> How to get a center tag in this php code


    How would I use the following

    [meteor_slideshow metadata=”align: ‘center'”]

    short code in the

    Slightly confused here.

    Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    That is just an example of using metadata in a shortcode, but it can also be used in the template tag or widget. Here is how you would do it with a template tag in PHP:

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow') ) { meteor_slideshow( "", "align: 'center'" ); } ?>

    I was looking for this! Thanks Josh

    Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    @johnniezombie I’m glad you found what you were looking for!

    I can not apply this metadata on my slide.
    Use Meteor Slides 1.5.4.
    My slide fits left. I want it centered.

    Help me?

    Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    @geleiap Can you post a link to the page you’re working on?

    Hi Josh!
    Yes I can.

    Plugin Author Josh Leuze


    @geleiap The slideshow height and width are missing in the slideshow dimensions. You need to set a slideshow height and width for the slideshows to work properly. The rest of the page is about 1000px width, you probably want the slideshow to be about 1000×288 pixels.

    To get the best results, you should set the slideshow dimensions. Resize the slideshow images to the exact same dimensions in an image editor like Photoshop and then re-upload the resized images and set those images for the slide posts. If the sizes all match exactly it will fit together perfectly and if the slideshow is narrower than the width of the browser, it will be centered.

    One more thing about your images, right now they are too large both in dimensions and file size. The first image is over 800KB, the whole homepage should be less than 1000KB to download. If you resize them all to the same correct size, and save them as JPGs, you should be able to get each image to be less than 100KB in size, greatly increasing the speed of your site.

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