Hi Arif,
Good day to you.
Attached is the screenshot the link for your reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15jTdfxt3vUkhCJLceo0cwezrkFGJaVZm/view?usp=sharing
Upon form submission, if the email address “[email protected]” already exists, the error message will be displayed. To achieve this using jQuery, ensure that the form with the ID “metform-22” is valid. After form completion, retrieve the validation status using the following code:
// Check if the form with ID “metform-22” is valid
if ($(“#metform-22”).valid()) {
// Form is valid, proceed with form submission
// … (your form submission code here)
// After form completion, retrieve the validation status
var isFormValid = $(“#metform-22”).valid();
// Use the value of ‘isFormValid’ as needed
console.log(“Form validation status:”, isFormValid);
Kindly advise. I want the metform submit fully completion return valid is true for me.