• Resolved furiosojack


    Hello anderson, what would be your recommendation for the best way to migrate from one license server to another.

    This is the context:
    Initially the license server was for example serverA.domain.com and now I want the new versions of the plugin to upload them to serverB.domain.com.

    On serverA.domain.com I released an update that changed the. $mothership(Updraft_Manager_Updater_1_8 constructor parameter) now pointing to serverB.domain.com.

    Clients upgraded to the new version which has the new mothership serverB.domain.com

    I started uploading the new versions of the plugin to serverB.domain.com and created the users manually that I had added when the license server was serverA.domain.com .

    However, clients cannot update, but if the new updates appear, for example, in a client I have this message “A new version of Visual Inmueble is available. See the details of version 7.5.11. Automatic updating is not available for this plugin.”

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author David Anderson


    Licences are all stored in the database table (prefix_)udmanager_user_entitlements, which links to the tables (prefix_)udmanager_plugins and (prefix_)users. So, if you migrate the data in those tables, then you have migrated the licences (and plugins and users – though if you have conflicting data already on the new site you’ll want to manually review that, of course).

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