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  • I usually map my main site to some subdomain like NOC to keep content off the main account.

    That makes it easier to move a site around should the subsite become unusable.

    I have had subsides within the multisite break over the years. I just abandon them and bring the same site up on a new subsite then restore everything there.

    There are documented ways to move the main site around but those are messy and can be confusing.

    My best advice? Startup a new multisite and map a subdomain as I mentioned above then migrate all the sites to that new multisite. The slight expense of that offsets the headaches by several miles.

    Others will tell you to modify the main blog through different methods and you can do that but backup everything first including the database just in case.

    Thread Starter dev


    So the main site is mapped to a random subdomain (To prevent public access etc).

    Because woocommerce is setup and we have a autosync enabled, its syncing data to the main site which is just eating up resources. The mainsite has pretty much nothing in it other than sync’d data.

    We’ve only got 2 subsites and the mainsite but as the main site is not used at all it makes sense to remove this by replacing it with one of the subsites.

    Theres AWS snapshots and Updraft backups so were covered by that. Just when reading the guides it doesn’t look like we can delete the main site after switching the config. Unless we follow one were we copy on the database tables for site 3 into the mainsite.

    Do you know of an easy way to migrate a subsite to a main site of a new installation for that method ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by dev.
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