• I have a blog at blogger.com (https://cwithabhas.blogspot.com)

    I really hate it’s current design. I am thinking of migrating it to wordpress site on some custom domain. But the problem is that my blog is quite old and is doing quite well in google. I am worried how will this affect my site SEO.

    I need suggestions whether it is a good idea to use wordpress or should I try some better blogger theme ? Is it possible to migrate without loosing SEO ? Anybody here ever tried that ?

    PS: I don’t have any problems with blogger’s features… what i don’t like is only the design part

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  • Your SEO stats shouldn’t be the deciding factor here – any change in your site’s address is going to effect your rankings no matter what. Your concern should be how you can best deliver your content to your readers.

    If you want to migrate to WordPress, you’ll have to change your URL. There are plugins to help with redirects to help the search engines adjust. The question you need to ask yourself is if WordPress can do what you want your site to do better than what you already have.



    This plugin will provide you one to one redirection of links from blogger blog to WordPress https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/blogger-to-wordpress-redirection/


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