• prospurring


    Hello. I am a current Thesis user and have paid for this premium theme. On one of my Thesis WordPress blogs, I want to switch from the Thesis theme to a different, non-Thesis theme (specifically, I want to migrate this particular blog to the Twenty Eleven theme).

    I can migrate my SEO data from Thesis to All in One SEO Pack, using the All in One SEO Pack Importer.

    However, I do not know how to migrate my Thesis Post Images and Thumbnails. Basically, the Thesis theme has the following custom fields:

    • thesis_post_image
    • thesis_post_image_alt
    • thesis_thumb
    • thesis_thumb_alt

    In the blog that I want to migrate, I have been using these fields to display the post image (and alt text) at the beginning of a blog post, wherever it is displayed in full, such as on its single page or an index page. The thumbnail (and alt text) are displayed wherever an excerpt is displayed.

    I would rather not use these images as “featured images”. I would like my blog header to remain stable, and most of these images are formatted differently than my header will be.

    I would prefer to put some kind of conditional code into a .php file, to search for whether these fields exist for a post, and if so, display them where appropriate.

    I am much less comfortable messing with MySQL and would prefer not to go that route.

    I am soooooooo new to .php and css and coding in general, so I am asking for some help on how to have these fields appear where I’d like them to. Any ideas or help would be most appreciated.

    Also, I should note that I have posted to the DIY Themes / Thesis support forums about this issue, but they said that I should ask my questions to those who support my new theme, not to them.

    I respectfully disagreed, since I may not be the only Thesis theme user to be using these custom Thesis fields and who may want to migrate to another theme in the future. However, I have not heard more from them. A couple of other Thesis users have reached out to me, but so far, I am still looking for help.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas, advice, or help with this situation!

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  • Thread Starter prospurring


    I want to say again that I am really new to all of this. I am a designer and not a programmer. So learning how to do things in PHP in WordPress is a bit like learning a foreign language to me. I can tell you what I want to do in my native tongue, but I have no idea how to say that (or do that) in PHP.

    Someone on the DIY Themes / Thesis Forums pointed me to
    this page in the codex: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Custom_Fields. Based on my reading of this page, it looks like I will need to use the get_post_custom() command.

    The thesis_post_image custom field contains a URL of an image that I want to display in my posts. And the thesis_post_image_alt custom field contains a string of text to be used as the alt text. So, I am assuming I can use the get_post_custom() command to fetch these values.

    However, I am unclear as to how I would tell WordPress to display the image and use the alt text based on those values. It isn’t as simple as displaying the values themselves as described on the page. What I want it to do is read the URL and alt text, and do something with it – instead of displaying the URL, I want it to display the image (from the URL) using the alt text. I’m not sure how to do that.

    Also, I don’t know where I would put this in the PHP code. Where would I insert this? And how could I make the program look for the custom fields only on posts, and not pages or other post types? And only when a full page is displayed, not an excerpt? Do I need a conditional statement as a wrapper, to say to only do this if it is a post and if there are values for the custom fields?

    I hope that I am making sense, trying to explain what I am trying to achieve in non-programmer speak.

    Thanks again for any help or assistance you can provide!

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