Hello @gltaccone ,
The issue is caused by RAM memory limit configuration.
Because your WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT is set to 512 MB (which is default value and you need to override it in wp-config.php) our plugin think that there is 512 MBs of free RAM memory, but in reality there is hard limit of 40 MBs, best solution for you would be to increase memory limit to 512 MBs in your php.ini configuration, that would resolve all issues or set correct value for WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in wp-config.php to “40M”.
After all running WordPress with only 40 MBs of RAM is quite challenging and may make the website unstable.
You need to increase the memory_limit variable in your php.ini configuration, most recommended value for you is “512M”.
Besides that, please also:
- Go to “Other options” section
- Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
- Change backup method (optional): https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
- Save “Other options” section
- Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
After all of the above is arranged, please run the backup again.
Thank you!