Hi @conors37
I understand that recent orders are not displayed on the dashboard under WooCommerce > Orders page, after the migration. Do orders show up if you search them using the “Search orders” filter?
Sometimes issues happen with the database and orders or other post types are not correctly fetched. Please go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and click on “Update database” and “Verify database” – see if that helps.
If that doesn’t help either, then I would recommend performing a full conflict test to try and narrow down to the potential culprit. This will involve deactivating all plugins apart from WooCommerce and switching to a default WP theme like Twenty Twenty-One or Storefront. Here’s the conflict test guide for reference: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/how-to-test-for-conflicts/
If nothing comes out of the conflict test, please share a copy of your site’s System Status. You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.
Also, could you please navigate to WooCommerce > Status > Logs and from the dropdown on the right side, please see if there are any logs starting with the words fatal-error
? Please let us know what you find.