• Resolved bhogan1234


    Is there anyway to utilize this function to set a range for a calculated field?
    I want the calculated field to be between >200 and <500. If not between I want it to set min amount of 200 and max 500.

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  • Plugin Author George Mandis


    Hi @bhogan1234,

    No, but you might be able to use conditional logic under the “Advanced” tab to change other aspects of your form based on whether the value of your min/max calculated field is between 200 and 500? I understand that could be a pain depending on how your form is structured, but it’s the easiest solution I can think of based on how this plugin is made.

    It’s not a feature I anticipate building into GF MIN/MAX, but if there’s enough demand I might reconsider!

    Plugin Author George Mandis


    I’m going to mark this as ‘resolved’ for now, only because it’s not a feature I’m planning on working in anytime soon. The workaround I outlined should work, though it might not be tenable depending on how complex your form is.

    I’ve changed the tag on this to “feature request” though if & when I look to improve and roll new features into this plugin.


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