• Dear developers!
    I recently installed W3 Total Cache and also tried hands on WP minify. Both pluggins give my website the shape of a garbage. Needless to say, the css and js are the real culprits ??

    Could any of you spare some minutes and have a look into the blog and give me any clue? I’ll be grateful to your help and support.
    Blog: https://www.successstories.co.in/

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  • Thread Starter alexwrld


    No it wan’t working fine on localhost (he said so)
    we do not have localhost installed on our computer….He was right in one way that the website started opening very fast.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    He said that timthumb was putting the cpu under a lot of pressure and created too many queries and hence he removed.

    If it wasnt working fine – why did u guys went ahead in making that solution on live ??


    do you know what size did you guys kept for the thumbnails ?

    in your functions file try this code out (again test it first on localhost)

    if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) {
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
            set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150 );

    where i have 150, 150 add your width and height

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    He said this was the previous timthumb.php which he removed

    // TimThumb script created by Tim McDaniels and Darren Hoyt with tweaks by Ben Gillbanks
    // https://code.google.com/p/timthumb/
    // MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
    /* Parameters allowed: */
    // w: width
    // h: height
    // zc: zoom crop (0 or 1)
    // q: quality (default is 75 and max is 100)
    // HTML example: <img src="/scripts/timthumb.php?src=/images/whatever.jpg&w=150&h=200&zc=1" alt="" />
    if(!isset($_REQUEST["src"])) {
    	die("no image specified");
    // clean params before use
    $src = clean_source( $_REQUEST[ "src" ] );
    // set document root
    $doc_root = get_document_root($src);
    // get path to image on file system
    $src = $doc_root . '/' . $src;
    $new_width = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request( 'w', 100 ) );
    $new_height = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request( 'h', 100 ) );
    $zoom_crop = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request( 'zc', 1 ) );
    $quality = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request( '9', 80 ) );
    // set path to cache directory (default is ./cache)
    // this can be changed to a different location
    $cache_dir = './cache';
    // get mime type of src
    $mime_type = mime_type($src);
    // check to see if this image is in the cache already
    //check_cache($cache_dir, $mime_type);
    // make sure that the src is gif/jpg/png
    if(!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type)) {
    	die("Invalid src mime type: $mime_type");
    // check to see if GD function exist
    if(!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
    	die("GD Library Error: imagecreatetruecolor does not exist");
    if(strlen($src) && file_exists($src)) {
    	// open the existing image
    	$image = open_image($mime_type, $src);
    	if($image === false) {
    		die('Unable to open image : ' . $src);
    	// Get original width and height
    	$width = imagesx($image);
    	$height = imagesy($image);
    	// don't allow new width or height to be greater than the original
    	if( $new_width > $width ) {
    		$new_width = $width;
    	if( $new_height > $height ) {
    		$new_height = $height;
    	// generate new w/h if not provided
    	if( $new_width && !$new_height ) {
    		$new_height = $height * ( $new_width / $width );
    	} elseif($new_height && !$new_width) {
    		$new_width = $width * ( $new_height / $height );
    	} elseif(!$new_width && !$new_height) {
    		$new_width = $width;
    		$new_height = $height;
    	// create a new true color image
    	$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor( $new_width, $new_height );
    	if( $zoom_crop ) {
    		$src_x = $src_y = 0;
    		$src_w = $width;
    		$src_h = $height;
    		$cmp_x = $width  / $new_width;
    		$cmp_y = $height / $new_height;
    		// calculate x or y coordinate and width or height of source
    		if ( $cmp_x > $cmp_y ) {
    			$src_w = round( ( $width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y ) );
    			$src_x = round( ( $width - ( $width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y ) ) / 2 );
    		} elseif ( $cmp_y > $cmp_x ) {
    			$src_h = round( ( $height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x ) );
    			$src_y = round( ( $height - ( $height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x ) ) / 2 );
    		imagecopyresampled( $canvas, $image, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $new_width, $new_height, $src_w, $src_h );
    	} else {
    		// copy and resize part of an image with resampling
    		imagecopyresampled( $canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height );
    	// output image to browser based on mime type
    	show_image( $mime_type, $canvas, $quality, $cache_dir );
    	// remove image from memory
    	imagedestroy( $canvas );
    } else {
    	if(strlen($src)) {
    		die($src . ' not found.');
    	} else {
    		die('no source specified.');
    function show_image( $mime_type, $image_resized, $quality, $cache_dir ) {
    	// check to see if we can write to the cache directory
    	$is_writable = 0;
    	$cache_file_name = $cache_dir . '/' . get_cache_file();        	
    	if(touch($cache_file_name)) {
    		// give 666 permissions so that the developer
    		// can overwrite web server user
    		chmod($cache_file_name, 0666);
    		$is_writable = 1;
    	} else {
    		$cache_file_name = NULL;
    		header('Content-type: ' . $mime_type);
    	if(stristr($mime_type, 'gif')) {
    		imagegif($image_resized, $cache_file_name);
    	} elseif(stristr($mime_type, 'jpeg')) {
    		imagejpeg($image_resized, $cache_file_name, $quality);
    	} elseif(stristr($mime_type, 'png')) {
    		$quality = floor($quality * 0.09);
    		imagepng($image_resized, $cache_file_name, $quality);
    	if($is_writable) {
    		show_cache_file( $cache_dir, $mime_type );
    function get_request( $property, $default = 0 ) {
    	if( isset($_REQUEST[$property]) ) {
    		return $_REQUEST[$property];
    	} else {
    		return $default;
    function open_image($mime_type, $src) {
    	if(stristr($mime_type, 'gif')) {
    		$image = imagecreatefromgif($src);
    	} elseif(stristr($mime_type, 'jpeg')) {
    		@ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1);
    		$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
    	} elseif( stristr($mime_type, 'png')) {
    		$image = imagecreatefrompng($src);
    	return $image;
    function mime_type($file) {
        $os = strtolower(php_uname());
    	$mime_type = '';
    	// use PECL fileinfo to determine mime type
    	if( function_exists('finfo_open')) {
    		$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
    		$mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $file);
    	// try to determine mime type by using unix file command
    	// this should not be executed on windows
        if(!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type) && !(eregi('windows', $os))) {
    		if(preg_match("/freebsd|linux/", $os)) {
    			$mime_type = trim(@shell_exec('file -bi $file'));
    	// use file's extension to determine mime type
    	if(!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type)) {
    		// set defaults
    		$mime_type = 'image/jpeg';
    		// file details
    		$fileDetails = pathinfo($file);
    		$ext = strtolower($fileDetails["extension"]);
    		// mime types
    		$types = array(
     			'jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
     			'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
     			'png'  => 'image/png',
     			'gif'  => 'image/gif'
    		if(strlen($ext) && strlen($types[$ext])) {
    			$mime_type = $types[$ext];
    	return $mime_type;
    function valid_src_mime_type($mime_type) {
    	if(preg_match("/jpg|jpeg|gif|png/i", $mime_type)) {
    		return true;
    	return false;
    function check_cache($cache_dir, $mime_type) {
    	// make sure cache dir exists
    	if(!file_exists($cache_dir)) {
    		// give 777 permissions so that developer can overwrite
    		// files created by web server user
    		chmod($cache_dir, 0777);
    	show_cache_file($cache_dir, $mime_type);
    function show_cache_file($cache_dir, $mime_type) {
    	$cache_file = $cache_dir . '/' . get_cache_file();
    	if( file_exists( $cache_file ) ) {
    	    if( isset( $_SERVER[ "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" ] ) ) {
    			// check for updates
    			$if_modified_since = preg_replace( '/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER[ "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" ] );
    			$gmdate_mod = gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime( $cache_file ) );
    			if( strstr( $gmdate_mod, 'GMT' ) ) {
    				$gmdate_mod .= " GMT";
    			if ( $if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod ) {
    				header( "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified" );
    		$fileSize = filesize($cache_file);
    		// send headers then display image
    		header("Content-Type: " . $mime_type);
    		//header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
    		header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($cache_file)) . " GMT");
    		header("Content-Length: " . $fileSize);
    		header("Cache-Control: max-age=9999, must-revalidate");
    		header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 9999) . "GMT");
    function get_cache_file () {
    	global $quality;
    	static $cache_file;
    	if(!$cache_file) {
    		$frags = split( "\.", $_REQUEST['src'] );
    		$ext = strtolower( $frags[ count( $frags ) - 1 ] );
    		if(!valid_extension($ext)) { $ext = 'jpg'; }
    		$cachename = get_request( 'src', 'timthumb' ) . get_request( 'w', 100 ) . get_request( 'h', 100 ) . get_request( 'zc', 1 ) . get_request( '9', 80 );
    		$cache_file = md5( $cachename ) . '.' . $ext;
    	return $cache_file;
    function valid_extension ($ext) {
    	if( preg_match( "/jpg|jpeg|png|gif/i", $ext ) ) return 1;
    	return 0;
    function clean_source ( $src ) {
    	// remove http/ https/ ftp
    	$src = preg_replace("/^((ht|f)tp(s|):\/\/)/i", "", $src);
    	// remove domain name from the source url
    	$host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
    	$src = str_replace($host, "", $src);
    	$host = str_replace("www.", "", $host);
    	$src = str_replace($host, "", $src);
    	//$src = preg_replace( "/(?:^\/+|\.{2,}\/+?)/", "", $src );
    	//$src = preg_replace( '/^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/', '', $src );
    	// don't allow users the ability to use '../'
    	// in order to gain access to files below document root
    	// src should be specified relative to document root like:
    	// src=images/img.jpg or src=/images/img.jpg
    	// not like:
    	// src=../images/img.jpg
    	$src = preg_replace( "/\.\.+\//", "", $src );
    	return $src;
    function get_document_root ($src) {
    	if( @file_exists( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $src ) ) {
    		return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
    	// the relative paths below are useful if timthumb is moved outside of document root
    	// specifically if installed in wordpress themes like mimbo pro:
    	// /wp-content/themes/mimbopro/scripts/timthumb.php
    	$paths = array( '..', '../..', '../../..', '../../../..' );
    	foreach( $paths as $path ) {
    		if( @file_exists( $path . '/' . $src ) ) {
    			return $path;

    use 100,100 where i have used 150

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Could you please tell me where you are located? I live in Delhi and Mousumi is asleep….she literally cried today when the developer gave in.

    If you go to the front page of the website and scroll down, you will find Mousumi’s email id. If you come on Skype or google chat and help her out on any of your convenient time, we’ll be so grateful to you.

    PS: she will do as suggested..tomorrow we are going to create localhost n do the testing.
    Not sure if BlueHost can provide us the backup of the site in back date.

    Cool, i have dropped her an email with all the details

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Thanks a lot brother; I appreciate ??
    I can go and have some peaceful sleep now!!

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