• Hello all,
    I’m new to WP, and very impressed so far!
    I’m building a small site at https://www.opeye.com using the Minimalist 1 theme with a few modifications.
    I mostly love this thems, it’s so clean and pretty much what I’m after.

    I’ve been trying to make the Meenu items all be the same light grey colour. The theme seems to make the Menu items that have sub Menus bold or darker text. I think this doesn’t look so goo, I’d like them to all be the same.
    On my website, you can see in the sidebar menu that ‘SEE OUR WORK’ and ‘PICK A COLOUR’ options are showing darker than the other buttons.

    I’ve been rootin around the CSS for this theme and found a line for h2.menuheader. I can make changes here like font and size and these do affect the appropriate buttons in the menu. However I’m stuck here. Nothing I try can ‘un bold’ the type.

    Hope someone can help,
    with many thanks

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  • Open White.css file which is there in your theme directory.


    h2.menuheader {color:#999999; }

    and edit the code accordingly..

    editing first will make the menu items color change

    h2.menuheader {color:#CCCCCC; } will make all the items with same color as you want..

    editing second line will mame the hover color of menu change

    h2.menuheader:hover{color:#CCCCCC;} will change the color of hover on menu you want.

    editing third line will make the active menu color change
    h2.menuheader:hover{color:#CCCCCC;} if you want to highlight the color of the item active then change the color here..

    this is what you need to do..

    so the code below would fulfill your need.

    h2.menuheader {color:#CCCCCC; }
    Thread Starter chrisgavin


    Hi there kuld33p.

    Big thanks to you for this. I’ve just updated this it works really well. I think I was wrongly trying to change the main style.css style sheet. The Minimalist1 theme offers changeable colour schemes, so it looks like the white.css overrides the main.css.
    I now know where to look if I wish to tweak the style any further too.

    I would never have spotted that without your help, I am very grateful.
    with thanks

    You are Most welcome.

    I am glad that I could help you out.

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