Lastly, and likely the most significant change, I have redefined the spacingSizes in theme.json to align with WordPress core. Themes such as TT4 use sizes 20-80 (slugs) in lieu of t-shirt or opinionated choices. Here’s the new code:
"settings": {
"spacing": {
"defaultSpacingSizes": false,
"spacingSizes": [
"name": "20",
"size": "clamp(15px, 2vw, 20px)",
"slug": "20"
"name": "30",
"size": "clamp(25px, 3vw, 30px)",
"slug": "30"
"name": "40",
"size": "clamp(30px, 4vw, 40px)",
"slug": "40"
"name": "50",
"size": "clamp(35px, 5vw, 50px)",
"slug": "50"
"name": "60",
"size": "clamp(40px, 6vw, 60px)",
"slug": "60"
"name": "70",
"size": "clamp(50px, 7vw, 70px)",
"slug": "70"
"name": "80",
"size": "clamp(60px, 8vw, 80px)",
"slug": "80"
Powder’s template and pattern markup has been updated to reflect these new sizes. To ensure existing sites remain unaffected by this change, the following code was added to the top of the style.css file:
/* Legacy Styles (Do not remove)
---------------------------------------- */
/* -- Spacing -- */
:root {
--wp--preset--spacing--x-small: clamp(10px, 2vw, 20px);
--wp--preset--spacing--small: clamp(30px, 4vw, 40px);
--wp--preset--spacing--medium: clamp(40px, 6vw, 60px);
--wp--preset--spacing--large: clamp(50px, 8vw, 80px);
--wp--preset--spacing--x-large: clamp(60px, 10vw, 100px);